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  1. CRS_Nov15_Mental_Capacity_and_Deprevation_of_Liberty.pdf

    of liberty. The Care Quality Commission’s most recent monitoring report showed that in 2013/14, the rate of applications for people aged 85 and over was far higher than those for people aged 18 4 to 64

  2. CRS_Feb16_LGA_housing_commission.pdf

    care assistance. Measures like installing a shower, and other basic adaptations, at a discounted rate, could help to significantly reduce costs to social services. Although this is not a new idea we would

  3. CRS_Sept16_Age_UK_response_to_PSR_strategy.pdf

    consumer services to be developed and introduced quickly in the future. In the current ultra-low interest rate environment, gains occurring in the future should be relatively lightly discounted, which should favour

  4. FS6w.pdf

    11 In the Welsh Government’s guidance, low level, low cost services which can attract the flat rate charges are defined as those typically being for “care and support that substitutes for ordinary living ... minimum income after paying your charge (and how the local authority should calculate this);  flat rate charges. 5.3 The charging procedure for services provided to a carer Local authorities must apply

  5. IG02.pdf

    entitled to from meanstested benefits – such as Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Housing Benefit (Rate Relief in Northern Ireland) or Council Tax Reduction (also known as Council Tax Support) – could be ... their partnership. In that case, if the value of the assets (such as a house) exceeds the IHT nil rate band, the surviving partner might have to sell it to pay the tax debt after their partner’s death

  6. fftf extension project-Final Evaluation Report (July 2015) docx.pdf

    going on, unpredictable things – it’s not a nice easy model to say that someone deteriorates at this rate therefore you need this type of intervention(HCP Newcastle). It was also pointed out that whilst ... influenced by other, non-related events. 20 Satisfaction with life Respondents were asked to provide a rating of their overall satisfaction with life, and as with the original fit for the future survey, older

  7. FS63.pdf

    are 7 or more days late and “any interest charged must not be more than the Bank of England’s base rate plus 3% APR”21).  where included in the rent, payments for council tax, utilities, a television licence ... 98. Our advice line is open between 9am and 4pm, Monday – Friday. (Calls are charged at the same rate as a call to a standard 01 or 02 number. They will also be automatically included in any landline

  8. Age Cymru - Why are we waiting - Delays in care assessments in Wales - August 2022.pdf

    completed assessments from referrals Referrals 19/20 Assessments 19/20 Conversion rate Referrals 20/21 Assessments 20/21 Conversion rate 4212 1200 28.5% 5926 942 15.9% (n- 6) 12 Why are we waiting? Delays in care

  9. RB_Oct11_Stop_falling_report.pdf

    has seen a dramatic reduction in the number of falls and fractures throughout the borough: from a rate of twice the national average for hip fractures to just under the national average, and made significant

  10. CRS_June15_Creating_secondary_annuity_market.pdf

    twice, in addition to the time of purchasing the annuity if they also failed to receive an enhanced rate. The terminally ill are another group for who there would be a clear advantage for buy back. The

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