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  1. IG14.pdf

    flexibility and improve your energy levels, so that you can carry on doing the things you enjoy. Our bodies were made to move, and there’s no need to stop being active just because you get older. That said ... you are, the more likely you are to develop it • a history of osteoporosis in your family • a low body weight • heavy drinking, smoking and a lack of exercise • some medications, such as long-term steroids

  2. CRS_Feb17_Improving_lives_work_and_health_green_paper.pdf

    non-disabled population, among those under State Pension age. This consultation looks at how the Government commitment to halve this gap can be achieved, including the role of employers, the unemployment ... barriers faced by a range of groups.  Employers have an important role in promoting this agenda. The Government should consider whether any lessons can be learned from the Fuller Working Lives agenda, which

  3. CRS_Jan15_Draft_Flood_Risk_Management_Plans.pdf

    draft Flood Risk Management Plans, which have been developed by the Environment Agency, the statutory body with responsibility for managing flood risks, in partnership with Lead Local Flood Authorities. Age

  4. CRS_Nov12_Implementing_employee_owner_status.pdf

    a major issue among the business community.ii The right to request flexible working, which the Government has said that it plans to be extend to all employees, remains an important employment right. Removing ... concerns are explored in more detail under question 16. 2. Consultation questions Q1. How can the government help businesses get most out of the flexibility offered and the different types of employment status

  5. RB_March13_Age_Friendly_Neighbourhoods.pdf

    feeling confident enough to go out at all. While national government can set the framework for age friendly neighbourhoods, it is local government that has the main part to play. To date action has been ... activists should work with the voluntary sector and community groups to challenge national and local government to listen to older people and invest in age friendly neighbourhoods. 2  Local authorities should

  6. 20190829 Draft Development Plans Manual (Edition 3) - Age Cymru response.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Draft Development Plans Manual (Edition 3) Welsh Government August 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in ... to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Welsh Government’s consultation ‘Draft Development Plans Manual (Edition 3)’. The number of older people in Wales

  7. CRS_Nov12_Ending_the_employment_relationship.pdf

    avenue. • The Government must remain committed to eradicating age discrimination. No policy should be enacted which could undermine the abolition of the Default Retirement Age. • The Government should give ... perspective. This viewpoint should be incorporated into the statutory guidance in some form. • The Government must ensure that the types of legal protection settlement agreements do not offer is clear. For

  8. Information Advice and Advocacy Policy Statement - Mar 2015.pdf

    Wales will undergo changes in the next two years. Summary of public policy proposals • The Welsh Government, local authorities and the NHS should develop a strategic approach to the delivery of information ... of older people in service development and the assurance of the service’s quality. • The Welsh Government, local authorities and the NHS should work together with voluntary service providers to develop

  9. Scams and Swindles 2 PDF proof English.pdf

    past 18 months from the 35,000 homes that were covered in 2013, in part due to time limited Welsh Government funding for setting them up, but still represents only a small percentage – about seven percent ... creating more zones in Wales and increasing the number of zones was part of the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government in 2011. Many AMs have thrown their weight behind our call to drastically increase

  10. The future of social care in Wales - February 2019.pdf

    opportunity to respond to the consultation on the future of social care in Wales. Background The Welsh Government’s Assessments and Social Services for Adults in Wales, 2015-16 showed that: a. the provision ... people’s wellbeing and independence and fuel demand for services, eg, inadequate housing. The Welsh Government and local authorities must also be aware of, monitor and respond to the impact of changes in the

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