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  1. Tell Me More Project Consent_ENG.docx

    Consent Form Tell Me M ore is a pilot project that would like to hear from your residents about their thoughts and feelings and how things have been for them over the last year. To help us with our evaluation ... of staff and residents to complete this consent form.If you have any que stions, please contact:Suzy Webster, Care Home Network Manager 1. I ag ree to take part in the Tell

  2. Assistive technology

    technology referred to as telecare and telehealth. Telehealth equipment is designed to help people who live at home to manage their long-term health conditions. These devices allow you to monitor your health without ... having to keep visiting your GP. When you get equipment you will be shown how to take readings and send them automatically to a health professional who will check your results and keep an eye on your health

  3. What matters to you.docx

    experiencesofpeople aged50oroverinWalesThis is the fourth annual survey undertaken since 2020 by Age Cymru andthekeyorganisationsthatrepresentolderpeoplein Wales.It’s importantthatWelshGovernmentandothershearfromolder ... der people about their experiences and what matters to them.This surveywilltake15minutestocomplete.Your response is anonymous but if you want us to contact you about thesurveyyoucanincludeyourcontactdetailsattheend

  4. Age Cymru Dementia Advocacy Project A5 Flyer FINAL.pdf

    Advocate to: • Understand your accommodation options? • Understand the choices you can make? • Access the services you need? • Stay connected to the things that matter to you? • Know your rights, and ... Feel safe and get the help you need when you need it? • Have your voice heard in all aspects of your life? • Have a voice in meetings? Dementia Advocacy: supporting you to be heard and at the centre of decisions

  5. FS62.pdf

    This factsheet looks at the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). These relate to people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions about their care and treatment, and who are deprived of their liberty ... about mental capacity is in factsheet 22, Arranging for someone to make decisions on your behalf. The information in this factsheet is correct for the period March 2024 to February 2025. The information

  6. Bob Ray

    We'd like to introduce you to some of our amazing volunteers who help make a difference to the lives of older people in Wales.

  7. FS71.pdf

    this factsheet This factsheet gives information about the law relating to park homes (also called mobile homes or caravans). It is aimed at park homeowners who are entitled to use their home as a permanent ... or living in holiday caravans or lodges. It includes points to consider when buying a park home and refers to organisations that offer advice and support to park home residents. Advice should usually

  8. Community Calculator - English.pdf

    Public seating and places to rest 8 • Public toilets 9 • Pavements 10 • Neighbourhood safety 11 • Places to meet 12 • Information and advice 13 • Health and social services 14 • Your voice 15 Discussion and ... older people in Wales to assess how age friendly is their community. An age friendly community is suitable and empowering for people of all ages, with facilities that help people to enjoy health, wellbeing

  9. RB_Oct10_Invisible_But_Invaluable_Report.pdf

    Summary 4 ‘We never retire’ 6 Support for older carers 8 Financial support – Carer’s Allowance 8 Support to have a life and identity of their own – the importance of respite 10 Stress and ill health 11 Social ... carers 20 Getting information to older carers 20 Carers’ stories – What it is like to be a carer post-retirement 22 Contents 2 Care and support is currently in crisis due to lack of funding. Fewer and fewer

  10. Vic Spears

    We'd like to introduce you to some of our amazing volunteers who help make a difference to the lives of older people in Wales.

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