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  1. Newsletter Nov 2020 v2.pdf

    support older people, I’m really proud of what we’re achieving. Age Cymru Advice has doubled the usual number of people it would help and support, while our Check in and Chat service, made nearly 22,000 calls ... quite vociferous: ‘We have put a lot into society and we still have a lot to offer’ ‘Age is only a number’ ‘To show we’re still going strong, are still interested in life and in others and still have a lot

  2. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Religious_Minorities.pdf

    changes in attitudes to religion. Some minority religious groups have significantly increased their numbers while overall, religious adherence has been in decline2. There are four different ways of measuring ... England and Wales, within each age group, the number of adherents to minority religions declines significantly. [Figure 6] This is partly because of smaller numbers in those age groups and partly because older

  3. CRS_Jan15_Payment_systems_regulation.pdf

    charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H ... challenges facing the payments industry and the PSR’s proposed regulatory framework. This follows a number of other related consultations to which Age UK has responded. Previous responses can be found here

  4. RB_June11_the_way_we_pay.pdf

    The project benefited significantly from input and challenge from the Advisory Group and from a number of other stakeholders. The Advisory Group participated in their individual capacities and not as ... including by very small traders. Credit unions and community banking initiatives are important in a number of countries. Consistent with the UK picture, we found that the countries surveyed had generally

  5. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales E WEB.pdf

    is vital at a time when the number of older people in Wales is growing and we are, on average, expected to live longer. Currently many older people are marginalised by a number of factors including poverty ... should all receive – irrespective of our stage of life. The alternative is a society where increasing numbers of people feel isolated, lonely, marginalised and prevented from playing a full and active role in

  6. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_full_report.pdf

    UK ‘a great place to grow older.’ Against a backdrop of continued deficit reduction, and with the number of people over 60 expected to increase from 14.9 million in 2014 to 18.5 million in 2025, this might ... Population aged 60+ and 85+ in numbers and as percentage of total population Population projections (UK)2 Projected population aged 60+ and 85+ by 2025 and 2035, in numbers and as percentage of total population

  7. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    tailoring marketing toward this group.  Whilst some partner organisations benefitted from the increased number of referrals, others were unable to meet the increased demand for their services. Impact on wider ... direct comparison between participating local Age UKs can be better compared. Recommendation 2: As a number of local Age UK partners reported struggling to enlist or retain volunteers, steps should be taken

  8. Age Cymru - Why are we waiting - Delays in care assessments in Wales - August 2022.pdf

    monitor and report on those waiting for a care assessment or care package to be implemented. 4) The numbers of people currently waiting for care and support and the adverse effects this has on them, their ... Introduction Provision of social care in Wales is challenging. The population of Wales is ageing and the number of people living with complex long-term conditions is increasing. The financial pressures facing

  9. Built Environment in Communities policy statement - December 2019.pdf

    zones and traffic calming measures in residential areas. Pedestrian crossings must be sufficient in number and allow people enough time to cross roads.  Local authorities must review public places and spaces ... Welsh Government should place a statutory duty on local authorities in Wales to provide sufficient numbers of accessible public toilets across Wales.  The implementation of local authorities’ local toilet

  10. Strategy for an Ageing Society - March 2021.pdf

    expense of good quality face-to-face services where they are needed. While we have seen increasing numbers of older people accessing services digitally, we remain concerned that a significant proportion of ... believe that there should be a statutory duty on local authorities in Wales to provide sufficient numbers of accessible public toilets across Wales. With reference to public transport, Age Cymru recently

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