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  1. RB_June12_delivering_dignity.pdf

    et al. (2011; 343:6553) concluded that its use increased patients’ likelihood of surviving and returning to their own homes. Nutritional screening is often overlooked altogether or not maintained – a fundamental ... is not simply to get the person out of hospital, but also to provide seamless support, to ensure a return to their home or care home in the best possible physical, mental and emotional state. Recommendation

  2. Safe_to_be_me.pdf

    involved with the Gay Liberation Front (GLF). However, David still pretended that he was single when he returned to his family in Wales. This meant that when William died, he received very little support or understanding ... ‘butch’ appearance and was teased himself at school. Angie saw a psychiatrist for a time and briefly returned to her strong Christian roots, asking whether she could be ‘cured’ of her lesbianism, as she felt

  3. IG21.pdf

    Expiry date AGUK0081 If you’re able to, please complete the donation form below to make your gift and return to: Freepost Age UK REPLY. Alternatively, you can phone 0800 077 8751 or visit

  4. RB_Nov14_Richmond_Group_What_is_preventing_progress.pdf

    through a very difficult time. It’s helped me return to a more normal way of life and has given me a real sense of achievement. My confidence has returned, I am now back at work and I’ve even fulfilled

  5. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Eng.pdf

    around 89% of cases older people aren’t walking at a fast enough speed to complete a crossing before returning to the green phase for traffic to proceed (Musselwhite, 2015). Previous research has found the ... economic appraisal and found for every £1 spent on the free bus pass for older people, £2.87 is returned to the economy. Table 2 shows the impacts of the concessionary bus fares. 3.2. Public transport

  6. Safe to be me - Meeting the needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people using health and social care services - A resource pack for professionals.pdf

    involved with the Gay Liberation Front (GLF). However, David still pretended that he was single when he returned to his family in Wales. This meant that when William died, he received very little support or understanding ... ‘butch’ appearance and was teased himself at school. Angie saw a psychiatrist for a time and briefly returned to her strong Christian roots, asking whether she could be ‘cured’ of her lesbianism, as she felt

  7. FS82.pdf

    cooling-off period, ask them what their procedures are if you decide to cancel the switch, i.e. are you returned to your original supplier? If they start the supply without you having made this request, you should

  8. ageukig51_thinking_about_end_of_life_inf.pdf

    so pick out the sections in this guide that are relevant to you now and those you might prefer to return to later. “I’ve started getting my affairs in order so things are as simple as they can be for those

  9. Transport policy statement - January 2022.pdf

    89% of cases older people aren’t walking at a fast enough speed to complete the crossing before returning to the green phase for traffic to proceed.64 We believe that local authorities must ensure that

  10. IG51.pdf

    very personal – so you might prefer to read the sections that feel most relevant to you now, and return to others later. This guide goes through things it’s good to think about when you’re planning ahead

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