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  1. CRS_Sept16_Age_UK's_response_to_DCLG_consultation_including_Attendance_Allowance.pdf

    acts as a ‘gateway’ benefit to enable carers to claim Carer’s Allowance and other financial support, so we are very concerned about the potential impact on carers of transferring AA. 3 The Local Government ... demographic change. The administration of AA in general works reasonably well and there is a danger that if councils have to invest time and resources in setting up new procedures and running their own systems

  2. Autumn 2022 Newsletter ENG v6.pdf

    this is simply not the case at the moment and we are determined to continue our calls for improvement. If you are affected by delays in care please let us know, together our voices for change are stronger ... waiting for an assessment of social care needs or waiting for the implementation of a care package. If you can help, please contact Age Cymru’s Helen Twidle at or call 029 2043 1571

  3. Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru - Mehefin 2023.pdf

    ar gael. Rydym hefyd eisiau clywed gennych, felly anfonwch e-bost atom gan ddefnyddio’r cyfeiriad neu ffoniwch ni ar 029 2043 1538. 4 Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng ... Llywodraeth Cymru i gael gwybod mwy am gymorth y Dreth Gyngor: Council Tax discounts and reduction: Carers | GOV.WALES Am fanylion cyswllt eich awdurdod lleol, gweler: Local authority Council Tax contacts

  4. RB_March14_Living_with_frailty.pdf

    participants. In this project, five older people were interviewed, along with family members and formal carers who were present on the day of fieldwork. All interviews were filmed using a small hand-held camera ... British woman aged 89 and lives in her own house in a suburban location in the South East. Paddy has carers who visit twice a day. She lives on the ground level of her home only, awaiting the installation

  5. RB_Sept16_Attendance_Allownace_ survey_report.pdf

    Some people used the allowance to help with their care needs. This can be through formal payments to carers or by meeting the costs of family and friends to enable them to provide care and support. Many people ... received, what people spend their AA on, the impact it has on their lives, the difference it would make if they no longer received it, their contact with council services, and their views about approaching

  6. Final Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness report

    people across the country: young and old, disabled people, carers, men in sheds, children at play, parents, refugees and people seeking asylum, employers and the many people who simply started a conversation ... there is a role for: Metro mayors and council leaders Public sector leaders Business leaders and employers Community and voluntary groups And each and every one of us. IN BRIEF: OUR CALL TO ACTION Happy

  7. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_LGBT.pdf

    (women) 28% (men) 88% (women) 87% (men) See family at least once a month 43% 76% Would turn to a friend if ill and needed help around the home 52% (women) 42% (men) 19% (women) 14% (men) Never take exercise ... care End-of-life can be particularly difficult time for older LGB individuals and their friends and carers. Hospital systems often relate to ‘next of kin’, even where the older LGB person has, for a long

  8. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter July 2018.pdf

    As time goes on I look forward to working with you all and forging new links and relationships. If there is anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Page 1 ... which the needs of specific groups should be met by specific services, rather than generic services. If these types of models, of hub and spoke services with multiple service provision spokes being in place

  9. vaccine priority list.pdf

    vaccination programme Priority groups 1 to 9 1. People living in a care home for older adults and their carers. 2. All those 80 years of age and older and frontline health and social care workers. 3. All those ... the Welsh Government announced that certain unpaid carers were also to be included at this stage – 7. All those 60 years of age and over. 8. All

  10. Spring 2022 Newsletter v4.pdf

    mental well-being, and whether this has meant an increase in caring responsibilities. We want to know if the over 50s were forced to stop working during the pandemic, whether they’ve been able to return to ... over 50s feel about getting out into the local community. Do they feel confident that it is safe and if not, what measures would need to be introduced? To take part in our research, funded by Welsh Government

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