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  1. AC5 full report CYMRAEG.pdf

    Nododd yr holl ddarparwyr eu bod nhw’n cwrdd â’r cod ymarfer eiriolaeth a’r set o safonau.  Mae 40% o’r ymatebwyr wedi ennill y Marc Perfformiad o Ansawdd ac mae 30% yn gweithio tuag at hynny. Nododd ... Dywed 18% o wasanaethau bod gostyngiad yn eu harian neu fod disgwyl i’r arian ddod i ben. Nid oedd 40% yn gwybod beth oedd am ddigwydd i’w harian. Mae’r rhain yn bryderon gwirioneddol i sefydliadau sy’n

  2. FS38w.pdf

    mobile homes and the financial means test 39 12 Renting out your property when you go into a care home 40 13 Deferred payment agreements – for people who are unable, or do not want ... itself and the ground it stands upon. In some cases it may “constitute moveable property (a ‘chattel’)”40. As a result, each case must be considered individually by the local authority. 38 This is

  3. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Religious_Minorities.pdf

    homes.9 A 2013 survey10 of the Jewish community found that, in older age, if they were in need of care, 40% would prefer some form of independent living and 52% would prefer care at home, provided by relatives

  4. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Refugees_and_asylum_seekers.pdf

    needs of elderly refugees based on research by Margaret McCarthy, Sheffield: Northern Refugee Centre : 40 pp National Pensioners Convention - NPC (2000) Older refugees - what a welcome!, London: National

  5. EnvisAGE14_cymraeg_web.pdf

    cynnydd cymedrol iawn yn unig sydd wedi bod yn incwm yr hanner tlotaf o bensiynwyr – dim ond cynnydd o £40 yn nhermau real fu yn eu pensiwn preifat. Felly, mae Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth yn hanfodol hefyd i bensiynwyr ... heneiddio’, gyda 26% o’r boblogaeth dros 65 oed. Yn ôl rhagamcanion presennol, bydd y ganran hon yn 40% erbyn 2060 ac, at ddibenion cynllunio, mae Gweinyddiaeth Iechyd, Llafur a Lles Japan bellach yn derbyn

  6. CRS_Dec16_response_to_Cridland_SPA_review.pdf

    new State Pension which show that although entitlement to means-tested benefits will fall over time, 40 per cent of pensioners will still be entitled to Pension Credit, Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax ... retired earlier because he has a good private income, and has a longer life expectancy. He has worked for 40 years and can expect to draw his State Pension for 20 years - half that time. In contrast, the other

  7. CRS_July15_Older_peoples_independence_and_mental_wellbeing.pdf

    increases vulnerability in older people (Hawkley, LC, Cacioppo, Annals of Behavioural Medicine, 2010, 40 (2)). As well as impacting on people’s health and wellbeing, loneliness can lead to increased demand

  8. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in _older_age_Disability.pdf

    and managing money. Disability, measured as Limitations on Activities of Daily Living (LADL), affects 40% of older people aged 60, and 75% of those aged 80 and above. The disability is severe for 20% of ... challenges for social perspectives and community capacity building, British Journal of Social Work 40 (5) : 14881502 Fernandez J-L, Snell T and Wistow G (2013) Changes in the Patterns of Social Care Provision

  9. Diogelu pobl hŷn - Mai 2021.pdf

    dan amgylchiadau penodol, gan gynnwys (ond nid yn unig) asesu, cynllunio gofal, adolygu a diogelu.40 40 Age Cymru (2016) Pwysigrwydd Eiriolaeth 5. Crynodeb gweithredol.

  10. RB_April17_Statistical-methods.pdf

    can be found in Annex A2. The results of SEM allowed us to calculate the relative importance of about 40 variables that are considered significant in determining wellbeing in later life. The SEM model results ... inverted commas because in our case we did not study the relationship between two variables, but between 40 indicators!). We ran a PCA on the dataset containing all significant variables and obtained that thirteen

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