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  1. Winter 2023 v7.pdf

    pneumococcal and shingles for some people. Contact a registered heating engineer to service your heating system and check that smoke detectors are working properly. Most utility services host a Priority Services ... problematic for those of you who do not own a car and are reliant on a dwindling public transport system. We also said excluding older people from financial services is bad for business as many of you would

  2. CRS_Sept17_Retirement_Outcomes_Review.pdf

    consideration for their future income; and the lack of understanding of and engagement with the pensions system. Age UK is pleased that the FCA has taken this opportunity to take stock of what impact the changes ... people into Pension Wise on an opt-out basis provides a sensible and feasible resolution. This system would encourage consumers to seek guidance before they take the initial decision, thereby providing

  3. Summer 2022 Newsletter WELSH.pdf

    ddefnyddiwn ar hyn o bryd i wneud galwadau llinell dir, o’r enw ‘analog’, yn cael ei disodli gan system ar y rhyngrwyd, o’r enw Protocol Llais dros y Rhyngrwyd neu VoIP yn fyr. Gall y newid effeithio ar ... I lawer o bobl, bydd y newid mor syml â chysylltu ffôn i lwybrydd y darparwr er mwyn cysylltu â’u system. Ac yn y rhan fwyaf o achosion, bydd pobl yn dal i allu cadw eu rhifau ffôn presennol. Fodd bynnag

  4. Age Cymru - Beth sy’n bwysig i chi - Gorffennaf 2024.pdf

    wasanaethau brys oherwydd nad oeddent yn medru cael apwyntiad mewn da bryd. “Amhosib cael deintydd GIG, system apwyntiadau meddyg teulu yn amhosib. (Maen nhw’n dweud “arhoswch ar y ffôn, mae eich galwad yn bwysig ... gwaethygu gan wneud popeth yn fwy anodd a difetha ansawdd eich bywyd.” I’r rhai sydd wedi llywio’r system tan y cawsant ddiagnosis; bu cyfnodau hir o aros cyn iddynt gael triniaeth a llawdriniaeth a bu’n

  5. Community_Energy_Programme_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    supports colleagues in the Charity and local Age UK Brand Partners to understand and develop evaluation systems and processes across delivery programmes, ensuring that appropriate methodologies are recognised ... 86 older people with support reading meter and 153 older people with support with using heating systems effectively. Almost 400 older people received support switching energy tariffs (saving an average

  6. Commissioning IPA Framework English Oct 19.pdf

    strategy, ensuring that it is accessible, using alternative formats and ways of disseminating. • The system for reviewing the use and effectiveness of independent professional advocacy should involve the wider ... Contains information on activity and finance. • Is proportionate. • Has a simple data gathering system. • Contains baselines Undertake selfassessment to understand performance. Consider using independent

  7. Age Cymru MMIYP - Welsh.pdf

    Wladwriaeth ar neu cyn Ebrill 2016 yn dod o dan y rheolau newydd ar gyfer Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth: O dan y system newydd, bydd swm wythnosol llawn yn cael ei roi i bobl sydd ag o leiaf 35 mlynedd o gyfraniadau neu ... Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth cyn 6 Ebrill 2016, byddwch yn parhau i gael Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth o dan yr hen system. O dan yr hen reolau, mae Pensiwn llawn y Wladwriaeth, yn talu £169.50 yr wythnos os oes gennych

  8. Health interventions and preventative services - January 2024.pdf

    including cognitive impairment, can have significant implications for our health and social care systems. This is particularly the case following the pandemic, during which time the mental health of many ... medication being issued for conditions concerning the cardiovascular, central nervous and endocrine systems, together accounting for 60% of prescriptions. The high rate at which medication is prescribed has

  9. CRS_Oct11_New_challenges_new_chances_IACL.pdf

    – boosted with fees paid by non-qualifying participants. This would be along the lines of how the system currently functions. 9. What are the key challenges to generating fee income and what associated ... the administrative capacity to design bespoke fee and payment systems. We believe the Government will need to provide a simple, low cost system and should test this with small providers. 10. In a localised

  10. RB_May12_Health_care_quality_report.pdf

    ......................................... 29 Figure 16: Mortality by diseases of the circulatory system (deaths per 100 000 population - standardised rates) (all ages), international comparisons, 1960 ... many potential reasons for these apparent shortfalls in care. Treatment quality in most health care systems for all age groups may not be as good as it could be. There is evidence that ageism is a significant

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