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  1. About our dementia advocacy project

    its services? This is a Wales wide project being delivered by paid advocates but we’ll be working across regions with regional advocates. These regions are: Cardiff, and the Vale of Glamorgan Conwy

  2. Tell Me More Project Consent _ENG.pdf

    Name: ________________________________________________________________________ I am living / working in [name of care home]: ________________________________________________________________________ ... Do you have a diagnosis of dementia? • Yes • No If you are a staff member working in a care home: How long have you worked here? __________________________________________________________________________

  3. APPG_for_Ageing_and_Older_People_minutes_090516.pdf

    preventative approach to health, local NHS and care support services working together, hospitals working together and sharing ideas and ways of working. She also outlined the Greater Manchester Dementia United ... United programme which focused on older people. Cllr Ford explained that the LGA had recently worked with partners including NHS England and the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services to publish

  4. What is Spread the Warmth

    to allow smoke and toxic gases to escape. Check smoke detectors are positioned properly and are working so they will give you an early warning if a fire starts in your home. Most utility services host ... during winter, and to stay connected with others and be a part of what's going on in their community. Working with our local Age Cymru partners across Wales we offer a dedicated and confidential information

  5. Bereavement Support Payment

    benefit isn't means-tested, so you can make a claim regardless of your income or whether you're in work, but there are certain eligibility criteria.  BSP has replaced the following benefits: Bereavement

  6. How to challenge a benefit decision

    you make an appeal. Most decisions about benefits for older people are made by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Decisions about Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction are made by local authorities

  7. Housing Benefit

    could get support with your mortgage interest as part of Pension Credit instead.  If you're of working age and claiming in an area where Universal Credit has been introduced, you should claim Universal

  8. Disability Living Allowance

    you need to move over to Personal Independence Payment, you’ll get a letter from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) about this. If you’re already on DLA and want to know how much you should

  9. Volunteer as a telephone befriender

    many other positive outcomes. Befriending projects could not function without people like you. The work that you'll do in this role can really make a difference. What will you be doing? You'll call the

  10. RB_June11_10_questions_for_the_local_public_sector.pdf

    and social enterprise working to transform later life in the UK and overseas. Our vision is of a world in which older people flourish. Together with over 160 local Age UKs, we work alongside national and ... challenges which we believe need to be urgently addressed and asks how the local public sector can work with local older people and other partners to find the solutions needed to improve later life for

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