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  1. Age Cymru Emotional health and wellbeing leaflet.pdf

    lightweight specially designed poles that provide great support and help. The groups are led by a trained volunteer. For more information on taking more exercise, contact Age Cymru for a free leaflet called ... their route to recovery from depression. They provide information, practical resources, services and training and self help groups for people affected by depression, their friends, families and carers. Tel:

  2. Technology_Together_Evaluation_Jan-2015.pdf

    had no experience whereas others had more extensive experience; and some had previously accessed training whereas others had not. This range of experiences and access to devices meant that the reasons for ... Brand Partners were notified of their participating in this project on 7th March 2014, with the training day taking place on 7th April 2014 and delivery expected to begin from May 2014. There was a two

  3. Age Cymru MMIYP - English.pdf

    contributions. You can receive it when you reach State Pension age – this is now 66 for both men and women (in the future it is due to increase, though this won’t start until May 2026). You can find out when ... following apply to you: • You will need to be over State Pension age (currently 66 for both men and women). • You have any type of disability, illness or long-term health condition, including sight or hearing

  4. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2012_2013.pdf

    aim to improve later life for everyone through our information and advice, campaigns, products, training and research. Our partners Age UK works with partners in the UK and across the world. We work with ... partners and digital inclusion network, we supported nearly 20,000 older people with digital skills and training. Work & learning We hosted our second annual Older Volunteer Awards event to celebrate the contribution

  5. CRS_Sept17_Advising_on_pension_transfers.pdf

    significant risk to survivor benefits. When survivor benefits are given up it is likely that many women will lose out, adding to gender inequality in retirement incomes.  There are considerable risks ... preparing a report on women and private pensions, focussing on the freedom and choice agenda but relevant for DB transfers too, which will consider the difficulties that many women have in achieving a decent

  6. Handout on principles of the Act.docx

    longer simply be using the services but also helping to design and deliver them. It recognises their strengths and the expertise they can bring, too. This will ensure our care and support services are designed

  7. CRS_Aug16_Falls_in_older_people_prevention.pdf

    finding moving around more difficult. Likewise, focusing conversations on retaining balance and strength and the benefits of exercise in positive terms rather than dwelling on the risk of falling is likely ... topic. We therefore suggest changing the quality statement to “Older people are asked about their strength and balance and ability to carry out everyday tasks when they have routine reviews or health checks

  8. Age Cymru Advocacy during Coronavirus survey 2021 FINAL E.pdf

    means will be used more in the future for follow up discussions and meetings. Additional funding and training might be needed to ensure all advocacy services can use the latest technology. “Phone calls and ... increase in pay levels recognizing the professional standards expected from an advocate through training. A study commission 20 years ago by the Department of Health called the Durham Report into Independent

  9. RB_Oct16_Autumn_Statement_2016.pdf

    more support for older employees with caring responsibilities, and increased access to workplace training. 40. Long-term unemployment is a particular problem for the over 50s – once out of work, people ... opportunity to update their skills, and undergo training where appropriate. This responsibility falls partly on employers who have a direct interest in training their staff, but also on the Government to ensure

  10. FS41w.pdf

    example, if the carer “works or wishes to work and whether they are education, training or leisure activities” should be looked at). The authority “must involve the carer and where feasible ... others and developing an action plan that can manage the situation appropriately”34. “The person’s strengths and capabilities”35. The local authority should take into account the skills and capacity of the

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