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  1. CRS_Sept17_Ofgem_default_tariffs_for_domestic_customers.pdf

    which asks whether respondents have any specific concerns with this proposal. Key points and recommendations 1. Overall, we strongly support the proposal as outlined. 2. We strongly agree that rollover ... otherwise to switch to a better deal. Therefore, measures to prompt engagement will be especially important. 4. We recommend that Ofgem require rollover fixed tariffs to be cheaper than the supplier’s SVT

  2. CRS_Nov12_Implementing_employee_owner_status.pdf

    Employment Law Review led by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills. It proposes that employers will be able to offer shares in their business to new and existing employees, worth between £2,000 and ... consultation does not properly specify the methods used to value the shares. Key points and recommendations Employment rights are important for individuals and play a vital role in the smooth functioning

  3. FS62.pdf

    Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS). However, this has been delayed and it is not known when the LPS will come into force. 2 What are Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards? The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards ... liberty. It must make a DoLS application if it is likely that your care or treatment arrangements will deprive you of your liberty, and you lack mental capacity to consent. They are known as the ‘managing

  4. 2 Care home volunteer journey.pdf

    5TD. © Age Cymru 2023 Application form • Template dowloadable from Toolkit References • References will be required from the Volunteer. A guide for this is on the application form Optional phone call • ... DBS where required • DBS clearance time can be variable Volunteer induction at care home • Care Home will provide Volunteer with current policy and procedures Sustaining a relationship • Regular communications

  5. Buses and trains: the stuff of memories for these Port Talbot pensioners

    guards at Cardiff train station. They helped me when I got off the train thinking I needed to change trains to get to Portsmouth. They quickly put me right and told me I needed to stay on the same train. I'm

  6. CRS_Nov15_Age_UK_submission_to_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_new_State_Pension_Inquiry.pdf

    people are aware that the State Pension system is changing, many do not fully understand how this will affect them. People often have limited knowledge about pensions, and upbeat political messages and ... issue has been reported in the media, have given some people a misleading impression of what they will receive.  The DWP should regularly publish tracking information and also carry out more indepth

  7. annual_review_2014_2015.pdf

    ‘Financial resilience in later life’. Age UK continues to influence the implementation of the recommendations and we have seen some positive steps taken so far, including a report from the Financial Conduct ... unplanned admissions to hospital. In April 2015, our Portsmouth partners launched their programme which will support another 1,000 older people. Other sites are currently being established in six new areas

  8. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2020.pdf

    with older people, carers, volunteers and organisations across Wales. This exciting new project will be supporting people to engage, participate, gain information, have their voices heard, understand ... involved, share experiences, raise awareness of advocacy, and develop skills and knowledge. HOPE will deliver advocacy support at a community level through a range of advocacy models by recruiting and

  9. About our dementia advocacy project

    safeguarding solutions. The advocacy we offer will be independent of any other service people living with dementia use. This means the person with dementia will be at the heart of the decision making process ... service will provide support for people to: make changes and take control of their life feel more valued and included in their community be listened to and understood. People living with dementia will be more

  10. BT’s Digital Switchover – Q & A

    underneath each question.   Will call blockers, used to prevent scammers from contacting older people, still work after digital switchover?   Call blockers will no longer be necessary following ... following digital switchover. There will be a new in-built service called Hiya that will automatically block scam calls. (See attached).    Some people reported being switched to the digital system without

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