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  1. CRS_March15_Care_Act_guidance.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... however, we are concerned that its benefit and reach are limited by the high level of the cap and some of the administrative arrangements which complicate the working of the policy.  We are concerned that

  2. Age Cymru - Consultation response - Duty of Candour (1).pdf

    The flow chart is clear in determining whether the duty of candour is triggered in circumstances where health care has been provided. What is less clear is whether duty of candour is triggered when not ... considerations. We would like to see reference to this within the flow chart for clarity. Question 3 Are the guidance and case studies useful in determining what is meant by harm that ‘could’ be experienced

  3. Age Cymru - Consultation response - Duty of Candour December 2022.pdf

    The flow chart is clear in determining whether the duty of candour is triggered in circumstances where health care has been provided. What is less clear is whether duty of candour is triggered when not ... considerations. We would like to see reference to this within the flow chart for clarity. Question 3 Are the guidance and case studies useful in determining what is meant by harm that ‘could’ be experienced

  4. Hospital care for people with dementia - April 2019.pdf

    importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Cross-Party Group on Dementia’s inquiry into hospital care for people living with dementia. Hospital care One quarter of hospital beds are occupied by people ... dementia who are admitted to hospital are markedly poorer than those without the condition. People with dementia stay longer in hospital than others who go for the same procedure. Longer stays are associated

  5. Covid Survey 2022 WELSH - 040322.docx

    bandemig Covid-19 a’r effaith y mae hyn wedi’i gael arnynt.Roedd ein dau arolwg blaenorol yn canolbwyntio ar brofiadau yn ystod cyfnodau clo pandemig Covid-19. Drwy’r arolwg hwn, rydym am gasglu profiadau presennolpobl ... Diolch ameichcefnogaethwrthgwblhau’rarolwghwn.Eich profiadau presennol obandemig Covid-19A1. Sut ydych chi’n mynychu gwybodaeth a diweddariadau cyfredol am bandemig Covid-19?(Dewiswchbobunsy’nberthnasol) Newyddion

  6. RB_March14_Living_with_frailty.pdf

    WRITTEN BY AGE UK Older people living with frailty are disproportionately affected by public and private services that are not geared to their needs. They are often the faces behind the headlines on poor-quality ... frailty to describe something a person lives with, not what they are. We believe this is a vital distinction. Society and services are organised around frailty as a state, often perceived as inevitable

  7. About our Golden Thread Advocacy Programme

    April 2016 and it will have a big impact on the types of Local Authority services that are delivered and how they are delivered in Wales. It puts people right at the heart of service delivery. It also means ... participate fully in decisions about their well-being and ensure that their views, wishes and feelings are heard, respected and taken account of. Advocacy supports people to have their rights upheld, to express

  8. Project 360 grant programme application and delivery guidelines.pdf

    Section 4: Who can apply? 3 Section 5: How we will assess your bid 3 Section 6: If you are awarded funding 4 2 1. Background to the funding Project 360° is a partnership ... need to live a fulfilled life. Project 360° aims to ensure that services provided by project partners are meeting the needs of older military veterans, and that the right support is given to older veterans

  9. Profiadau pobl 50 oed neu hŷn yng Nghymru yn ystod cyfnod clo COVID-19 dros y gaeaf, a’r daith i adfer Canlyniadau’r Arolwg Mai 2021.pdf

    ymatebwyr yn disgrifio eu hethnigrwydd fel Du, Asiaidd neu Leiafrif Ethnig arall. Derbyniwyd ymatebion ar-lein, ar ffurf copi caled a thros y ffôn. Roedd 19% o’r ymatebwyr yn rhan o grŵp a warchodir a 15% yn byw ... grŵp a warchodir. Dywedodd 36% o ymatebwyr wrthym eu bod yn hunanynysu a dywedodd 30% eu bod yn byw ar eu pen eu hunain. Dywedodd 23% o ymatebwyr wrthym eu bod wedi cymryd arnynt ragor o gyfrifoldebau gofalu

  10. FS17.pdf

    This information applies if you, and your partner if you have one, are over State Pension age. This is currently 66 years. If you are under State Pension age, refer to factsheet 56, Benefits for people ... rates are reviewed annually and uprated in April but rules and figures can sometimes change during the year. The information in this factsheet is applicable in England, Scotland and Wales. If you are in Northern

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