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  1. Improving domiciliary care for older people in Wales

    medically fit to be discharged are delayed in hospital because they lack appropriate social care support that would allow them to return home.

  2. Debt advice

    seek help. But remember that they need to make the decision to get advice themselves. Giving them support and listening to them can make a big difference. Some debt management companies charge fees for their

  3. Self Assessment Form for Commissioner ENGLISH.docx

    management’ assessment might be made, but rather it should help the Golden Thread Advocacy Project (GTAP) support you to achieve the aspirations of the Act.K ey points that we would like to underline:T his tool ... years to run alongside and support the implementation of Part 10 (Advocacy) of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. The programme's key aims are: To support the commissioning of independent

  4. Action plan to end abuse and neglect of older people - October 2022.pdf

    be preventing the abuse and neglect of all older people, irrespective of their need for care and support. ii. A time for delivery of the plan should be included, with review dates. iii. Clear commitments ... relates to outputs not outcomes, such as the number of victims, safeguarding referrals and numbers supported through specialist services. Age related data is scarcer for a number of reasons, but it is important

  5. CRS_Aug15_WP_Committee_Welfare_to_Work.pdf

    Lives in recent years, but this needs to be reflected in the design and delivery of back-towork support.  The design of the providers’ contracts for the Work Programme’s successor scheme is an excellent ... participants reporting a disability, age is an additional barrier to finding work. Any measures to improve support for this group need to account for this in order to maximise their effectiveness. 3 1. Introduction

  6. CRS_March17_Ofgem_consultation_on_supplier_Standards_of_Conduct.pdf

    some broader comments towards the end. Key points and recommendations 1. In response to Q10, we support the inclusion of a broad vulnerability principle in the domestic SoCs. Many older people face difficult ... various kinds of practical support, including managing debt, resolving billing disputes, improving home energy efficiency and support to switch. Suppliers should offer this support and refer to other organisations

  7. Age Cymru Advocacy during Coronavirus survey 2021 FINAL E.pdf

    failures A concerning 85% of advocates surveyed reported that the human rights of the people they support were either not being upheld at all or only partially. This was a similar level to that expressed ... have had been denied access to visitors.” “Limited choices were available around clients’ care and support.” “....’because of Covid-19’ has become the go to excuse for not upholding a person’s human rights

  8. FS76w.pdf

    involved in setting up your reablement or intermediate care package 10 5.3 Supporting information in the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act guidance ... – reasons why such services may be arranged 12 6.1 An alternative to hospital admission 13 6.2 Supporting a timely discharge from hospital and/or preventing delayed discharges 14 6.3 Rehabilitation following

  9. CRS_March16_Future_flood_ prevention_inquiry_response.pdf

    helping everyone make the most of later life. We help more than 5 million people every year, providing support, companionship and advice for older people who need it most. In February we published a report entitled ... relate to improving support for older people. Key points  While floods affect people of all ages, older people in some circumstances may be at extra risk and need additional support. This includes people

  10. RB_Aug14_Living_life_with_dementia.pdf

    services help people with dementia to say: 1 ‘I was diagnosed in a timely way. I get the treatment and support, best for my dementia and for my life.’ 10 1.1 Dementia Care and Advisory Service – Age UK Stafford ... respect. Those around me and looking after me are well supported.’ 16 2.1 Dementia Day Care Centres – Age UK Blackburn and Darwen 17 2.2 Dementia Support Service – Age UK Lancashire 18 2.3 Young Dementia

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