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  1. How to trace lost money

    because you’ve changed addresses and haven’t notified them of your new address there has been no activity on your account for a few years (such as deposits or withdrawals) Even if an account has been marked

  2. Age Cymru - What matters to you report - August 2024.pdf

    procedures and in-patient care 11 • Access to dental services 12 Accessing social care 13 • Challenges - those needing social care for self comparison 18 Current challenges 20 • Impact on mental wellbeing ... 31 • Bereavement and grief 33 • Scams 35 Unpaid carers 37 • Unpaid carers accessing health and social care 38 Living with disabilities 39 Armed Forces Veterans 41 Employment 44 • Ageism in the workplace

  3. Draft Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Strategy 2024- 2034.pdf

    question 1? Our view is that this offers a positive vision to work towards – one that acknowledges the social impact of suicide and self-harm and that emphasises the need to empower at-risk individuals, rather ... mental health and related issues. These include: • Acknowledging the social aspect of suicide and self-harm, both in terms of the social damage it causes and the responsibility across society for preventing

  4. Summer 2024 v5.pdf

    we’re also asking you to do some work and tell us how the Welsh Government proposals to raise the social cap from its current level of £100 could affect you and your loved ones. But if all the electioneering ... older people in Wales are struggling to pay their bills and are forced to cut back on their social activities when so much money is left unclaimed each year. “Attendance Allowance is one of the biggest

  5. Life on a low income - FINAL - E.pdf

    because they cannot afford to. Some older people barely leave the house and do not take part in social activities because even small charges for these, or the costs of getting there, are beyond them. Others ... and Pensions (DWP) publishes a material deprivation indicator, which considers factors such as: • social networks and support • costs and outgoings (including additional costs and restrictions due to disability

  6. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2022.pdf

    and, most importantly, actively involving people who are affected by dementia. Dementia friendly communities often hold open days in local town halls, run physical activities and choirs and even have ... the opportunity to familiarise and re-familiarise with locations and activities is key for sustained engagement and activity. Get There Together will give people living with the condition, the

  7. Care Home Visiting profile -English.pdf

    distancing, masks and sanitiser as appropriate • Escorting visitors to and from visiting areas • Other activities that support smooth and safe visiting. The role would suit someone who has the following qualities

  8. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter July 2018.pdf

    was funded in 2016 by Welsh Government to support the implementation of the advocacy element of the Social Services and Well-being Wales Act (2014). To achieve this we have 3 overarching objectives: 1 ... Mountain – Understanding Experiences of Social Services in Wales Measuring the Mountain1 is an all-Wales project designed to evaluate the impact of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act. Funded

  9. Transport policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    areas have the means to get out to buy food, get medical attention, get money and pay bills, and have social contact. These are basic features of a decent life and ought to be a high priority in transport policy ... scheme has been invaluable in helping older people in Wales to retain their independence and remain active, and it is vital that this continues to be supported by the Welsh Government. However, the provision

  10. RB_June12_delivering_dignity.pdf

    responded with their insights and ideas, demonstrating the tremendous commitment across the health and social care system to providing older people with the dignified care that is their right. We received comments ... will continue to play our part over the coming months, working with others across the health and social care system on an implementation programme to help make dignified care a reality for every older

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