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  1. What we do

    campaigning and policy support. Active Wales Cymru Older People’s Alliance (COPA) National Pensioners Convention Wales Wales Seniors Forum We work with local Age Cymru partners The Age Cymru network

  2. CRS_Oct14_Housing_standards_review_technical_consultation.pdf

    standard would cost only an extra £521. This cost is insignificant in comparison with the potential saving that would be achieved over the longer term. Introducing category 2 for all new homes would achieve ... housing conditions will, in many cases, undermine home care objectives and not achieve the desired savings. The lack of an accessible home environment means older people often stay longer in hospital. Those

  3. CRS_May17_ submission_to_CMA_on_DCT_market_study.pdf

    highlight any product factors (exclusions, rebates, etc.), that can result in consumers making less of a saving, or gaining less of a benefit, than they expect, and encourage consumers to filter by non-price factors ... to 50 per cent of all ages.2 Three in four internet users of all ages 4 (75%) say they have made savings through any of: buying something online; comparing prices online (51%); using a price comparison

  4. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    should be paying for a loved ones care? Or perhaps they may want to know if they are eligible for Pension Credit and want help with claiming it? Age Cymru Advice can help with all these issues, and more –

  5. Print ready Beth sydd yn bwysig i chi - Profiadau cyfredol pobl dros 50 oed yng Nghymru 2024.pdf

    Credyd Pensiwn yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau yn uniongyrchol ar 0800 99 1234 neu ewch i D3. Ydych chi’n derbyn unrhyw fudd-daliadau’r wladwriaeth? e Ydw e Nac Ydw Survey

  6. RB_Sep13_supporting_older_carers.pdf

    estimated to save the UK economy more than £119 billion a year (Carers UK, 2013). Given the ageing of the UK population, and policies focused around ageing in place, this economic saving will increase ... hamper scheme. Information and Advice Welfare benefits check; Disability benefits advice; Pension credit advice; Attendance Allowance applications; Welfare benefit appeals; Carers grant applications;

  7. Advocacy Newsletter - October 2018 English.pdf

    should be paying for a loved one’s care? Or perhaps they may want to know if they are eligible for Pension Credit and want help with claiming it? Age Cymru can help with all these issues, and more – call us

  8. RB_Oct16_Ageing_in_squalor_and_distress_report.pdf

    oor-Housing-Briefing-Paper-v3.pdf 8 around a fifth (21 per cent) of owner-occupiers aged over pension age, who live in non-decent homes14. More generally, for all tenures, the EHS shows that 29 per cent ... people – but this does not offer a long term solution. Irene is a private tenant who receives Pension Credit and Local Housing Allowance (LHA). Her rent is £850 a month which was covered by her LHA payment

  9. CRS_Oct13_Housing_standards_review.pdf

    study also shows that the Lifetime Homes Standard could provide £1,600 in savings from reduced NHS health costsv (in addition to savings as a result of Part M), or £8,600 if potential adaptations were made ... response, that there are a number of important variables likely to reduce costs over time. For example, savings gained by introducing accessibility standards at the design stage of a development rather than later

  10. RB_Oct11_Stop_falling_report.pdf

    Stop Falling: Start Saving Lives and Money Introduction 2 What we want to achieve 3 What is currently happening to prevent falls 4 The cost of falls 5 The experiences of people in later life 6 Advice ... even death. 3 Age UK’s ‘Stop Falling: Start Saving Lives and Money’ campaign aims to reduce the number of older people suffering falls and ultimately to save lives. We are calling on all those responsible

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