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  1. Culture Club

    Age Cymru’s Culture Club provides opportunities for over 50’s in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan to build confidence, make new friends, and to enjoy our many cultural sites, with the help of a friendly

  2. Staying safe online

    The internet has lots of positive aspects, but there are things you need to look out for. These include viruses which can damage your computer and online scams. Read our guide to staying safe online.

  3. FS1w.pdf

    draught proofing and double glazing 10 4.2 Boiler efficiency 11 4.3 Other energy saving measures for electrical appliances 12 5 Government measures to help with cost of living pressures 13 5.1 Ofgem Price ... of help that may be available 20 6.6 Specific information for people who rent privately 20 6.7 Other help from Nest if you do not qualify for a whole house assessment 21 6

  4. Age Cymru - I and A Info Catalogue - English lang.pdf

    leaflet should be construed as the giving of specific advice and it should not be relied on as a basis for any decision or action. Neither Age Cymru, Age UK, nor any of their subsidiary companies or charities ... Health and wellbeing 14 Home and care 17 Work and learning 20 Travel and lifestyle 22 Free factsheets 24 4 Information and advice Introduction Who would you turn to for practical information and advice

  5. This is Older Image Library tender document .pdf

    the national charity for older people in Wales and is the force combining Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales. The Charity works nationally and locally to improve life for all older people. ... which captures the process of the creation of the images, and preparing a selection of the images for a launch event/exhibition, which will be delivered in partnership with Age Cymru. Included within

  6. RB_2012_Equalities_Evidence_Review.pdf

    review By: Jo Moriarty and Jill Manthorpe A report of research carried out by the Social Care Workforce Research Unit at King’s College London Research Report 2 Published ... or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained. Date: 2012 ISBN: 978-0-9568731-5-6 This report has been produced for Age UK by Jo

  7. Age Cymru response to Liberty Protection Safeguards consultation July 2022.pdf

    1 Consultation response Draft Regulations for Wales: Liberty Protection Safeguards Welsh Government July 2022 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people ... strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to Welsh Government’s consultation on the Draft Regulations for Wales: Liberty

  8. RB_June16_Age_UK_Discharge_From_Hospital_Briefing.pdf

    hospital care. Sometimes there seems to be a tendency to blame the patients, it being implied that some older people and their families are ‘choosing’ to remain in hospital, thereby denying hospital care to ... increase of 28.4 per cent compared to 2014. The causes  Patient choice?  Problems with social care  Lack of access/ delays to NHS services  Challenges within hospitals  Avoidable admissions Patient

  9. Tai chi Qigong

    Tai Chi for Health can help older people to improve their balance, core strength and overall wellbeing. This is an activity that can also help to reduce the risk of falls among older people.

  10. Help an older person this Winter

    you have an older friend or relative close to you, our guide Winter wrapped up may help them prepare for the winter season. Find out the simple things you can do to support them.

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