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  1. RB_Jan15_Promising_approaches-loneliness_and_isolation.pdf

    Reduces the need for anti-psychotic medication. HenPower aims to be part of older people’s lives in over 100 care homes across the UK by 2017. Tommy Appleby, 89, cared for his wife for 25 years. After her death

  2. CRS_June14_Employment_support_for_unemployed_older_people.pdf

    not surprising that 60% plus have had a job outcome. The fall for the oldest age group is based on 100 people and therefore random differences could have an effect, but could be of concern.  Returned

  3. FS10w.pdf

    split in the share of a couple’s income can sometimes be looked at differently by the authority, with 100% of the joint income included in the assessment, but this can only happen where this approach results

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