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  1. Good Practice Guide WELSH v4.pdf

    gofal. 2 Age Cymru: Gwneud i berthnasoedd gyfrif Cyflwyniad Mae’r canllaw hwn yn canolbwyntio ar y materion ymarferol ac emosiynol mae pobl yn aml yn eu hwynebu wrth benderfynu cefnogi rhywun i symud ... ..............................8 Rydych yn arbenigwr mewn gofal .................8 Gofalu amdanoch chi eich hunan .................9 Rhan Dau: I Staff Cartrefi Gofal deall anghenion gofalwyr hŷn a theuluoedd

  2. 20221214 Climate change engagement - Age Cymru response.pdf

    voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to Welsh Government’s consultation on their Draft strategy for engaging the general ... those worst off in society are not disproportionately affected financially in the move towards net zero. A recent Audit Wales report reveals that a significant number of people are living in poverty in Wales

  3. Age at Work

    Age Cymru wants to encourage and support businesses to build age-friendly workplaces where older employees can thrive. We have formed a partnership with Business in the Community (Cymru) to support employers ... balance to help you feel more confident and informed about choices you may want to make. The webinars are part of the Age at Work programme, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and you must be aged

  4. CRS_Nov16_transforming_our_justice_system.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... Scotland. A large proportion of enquiries to our Information and Advice services concern benefits so we are particularly concerned about the impact that changes to social security tribunals could have on older

  5. RB_Dec14_I'm Still Me_UCLPartners_Age UK_National_Voices.pdf

    consider differences. Yet an extra moment’s thought might redirect us to a view that any differences are actually smaller than the similarities of shared humanity between the groups. An older person is not ... older person. In a sense, it is a shame that there is a need to restate these values. But we are where we are. Professionals and service providers need explicitly to reconnect with these core statements

  6. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter May 2023.pdf

    Advocacy Project Age Cymru are delighted to be able to let you all know that we’ve been able to secure another 12 months funding for our Dementia Advocacy Project which we are thrilled about. This is such ... requirements by our funders: • The person requiring advocacy needs to have a diagnosis of dementia • We are only able to support the person and not the carer although by supporting the person with dementia it

  7. Unpaid carers.pdf

    Carers Wales are running a Care for a Cuppa every Wednesday where carers can meet virtually for a coffee and a chat: See: wales/get-support/local-support There are also forums

  8. A4 WG Manifesto singleA4 english.pdf

    impacts can lead to increased pressure on a wide range of local authority and health services. Yet there are practical actions that can be taken to address the issue. The Welsh Government commitment to tackling ... people and organisations to work together in their local communities to create an Age Friendly Wales where no one has no one. Older people in Wales have told us they would seek to ease loneliness in local

  9. Age Cymru - Consultation response - Duty of Candour (1).pdf

    The flow chart is clear in determining whether the duty of candour is triggered in circumstances where health care has been provided. What is less clear is whether duty of candour is triggered when not ... considerations. We would like to see reference to this within the flow chart for clarity. Question 3 Are the guidance and case studies useful in determining what is meant by harm that ‘could’ be experienced

  10. Age Cymru - Consultation response - Duty of Candour December 2022.pdf

    The flow chart is clear in determining whether the duty of candour is triggered in circumstances where health care has been provided. What is less clear is whether duty of candour is triggered when not ... considerations. We would like to see reference to this within the flow chart for clarity. Question 3 Are the guidance and case studies useful in determining what is meant by harm that ‘could’ be experienced

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