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  1. FS16.pdf

    transitioning and gender reassignment. The factsheet covers a range of legal, financial and social care considerations and details of where to go for further information and support. Terminology used by ... crime 16 9 Financial issues 16 10 Care services 17 10.1 Seeking care and support 18 10.2 Sheltered housing and residential care 19 10.3 Making a complaint about your care 19 11 Mental capacity and making

  2. Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery- May 2021.pdf

    4. Challenges during lockdown 7 5. The impact of lockdown 9 6. Experience of accessing Health and Care services 10 7. Easing of lockdown 18 8. Challenges of moving out of lockdown 19 9. Support needed ... selfisolating and 30% told us they live alone. 23% of respondents told us they had taken on additional caring responsibilities or started looking after someone during the last year. 81% of respondents were women

  3. Covid Survey Report - English final.pdf

    4. Challenges during lockdown 7 5. The impact of lockdown 9 6. Experience of accessing Health and Care services 10 7. Easing of lockdown 18 8. Challenges of moving out of lockdown 19 9. Support needed ... selfisolating and 30% told us they live alone. 23% of respondents told us they had taken on additional caring responsibilities or started looking after someone during the last year. 81% of respondents were women

  4. FS48.pdf

    8.2 Change of circumstances with no AIP 21 8.3 If you go into hospital 22 8.4 If you go into a care home 22 Age UK factsheet 48 April 2024 Pension Credit Page 3 of 30 8.5 If you go abroad 23 8.6 If PC ... for a single person or couple, plus any extra amounts you are entitled to for severe disability, caring responsibilities, children, or housing costs. 4.1 Standard minimum guarantee The weekly standard

  5. Cascade Training Programme - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    Prepared by: Sarah Alden Andrea Wigfield Erika Kispeter CIRCLE (Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equalities) University of Leeds 2 Contents Executive Summary ..................... ... ..................................................... 45 9. Impact on the wider health and social care system .................................................... 52 10. Study limitations and suggestions

  6. CRS_June15_Response_to_Freedom_to_Speak_Up_Review.pdf

    recommendations. We believe that enabling and empowering NHS staff to speak up about concerns around safety and care practices at work is a key element of securing patient safety. We welcome the ambition in the Review ... freedom to make the right decisions for patients and residents are far more likely to deliver poor care’1. NHS leaders and managers have a key role in achieving this and we welcome this consultation as

  7. 20170324Draft-dementia -action-plan.pdf

    the key areas where changed is needed to improve lives for people living with dementia and their cares across Wales but would like to highlight the following omission. Engagement Although the strategy ... of understanding of dementia and its impact amongst both the general public and health and social care professionals. Whilst campaigns such as Dementia Friends have clearly raised awareness of the condition

  8. CRS_April12_OFT_remote_communities.pdf

    for some local services, such as access to small sums of cash and personal services such as social care. New methods to facilitate this are required and there are some examples of good practice, such as ... and share knowledge about ways to effectively deliver goods and services, such as transport, social care or broadband, in remote areas. The government’s decentralisation and localism agenda aims to encourage

  9. CRS_Aug15_Women_and_Equalities_Select_Committee_transgender_equality.pdf

    health care provision without experiencing discrimination on the grounds of either gender identity or age. 3 1.4. Many older trans people report fear of experiencing transphobia if they require care services ... and fellow patients or residents; fears which are too often realised. To combat this all health and care settings should provide trans equality training for all staff and have accessible equality, anti-bullying

  10. RB_2015_Improving_later_life_for_people_with_sight_loss-Full_report.pdf

    more likely to experience chronic pain • Are more likely to have problems with mobility outside the home • Have greater need for services • Are more likely to live in poor quality housing • Are more likely ... family. However, eventually her sight issues started “ I’m sorry but you won’t be able to drive back home, because I have to register you as blind”. That came down as a wall of bricks on me.” Padma Cheriyan

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