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  1. 20210219 DAP Marketing Brief - final.pdf

    Age Friendly Wales and together we work to make life better for older people in Wales through our influencing and campaigning, through free, high quality information and advice and through a range of services ... with dementia and those who are going through the process of getting a diagnosis. This project is about enabling people with dementia access to services and support that they need and to have a voice

  2. Citizens Voice Body consultation response - Age Cymru March 2023 (1).pdf

    1 Consultation response Establishment of the Citizen Voice Body for Health and Social Care, Wales Welsh Government March 2023 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives ... healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise

  3. Dec 2016 Safeguarding meeting - External.pdf

    Parliamentary Group for Ageing and Older People Safeguarding older people from abuse and neglect Wednesday 7 December Notes On Wednesday 7th December, the APPG for Ageing and Older People hosted an event ... event to explore the issue of Safeguarding older people from abuse and neglect. The aim of the meeting was to highlight and examine how to protect older people from different types of abuse as well as exploring

  4. LIFT volunteer 050716.pdf

    Age Cymru is the new force combining Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales. Registered charity number 1128436. Registered office address: Ty John Pathy, 13/14 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff ... Purpose: LIFT is a series of activities and games designed specifically for older people to take part in physical activity in a local environment – using safe seated and standing exercises that can help improve

  5. IL5.pdf

    Things to look out for and questions to ask AgeUKIL5 First impressions Are the buildings and grounds well maintained? n Is there an accessible garden or courtyard? n Do the home and garden feel inviting ... seem welcoming? n Is the home clean and does it smell fresh? n Are the rooms a comfortable temperature? n Are the rooms well decorated? n Accessibility Are friends and family able to get there easily? n

  6. 15 Care home volunteer induction checklist.pdf

    Documentation or onsite Volunteer trainer signature Date and time completed About the organisation • What kind of work is done and why • Team structure and management • Importance of volunteers The volunteer ... role • Tasks • Agreed dates / times • Line management and reporting • Expenses (where applicable) The support system • Key contact names and email / phone number • Supervisors • Resources • Reporting

  7. Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report (Summary Booklet).pdf

    of people with dementia – listening to and engaging with people with dementia as a starting point. • The place – assessing the accesibility of the internal and external environment for people with dementia ... awareness raising for staff, volunteers and trustees. • Network – collaborative working with local and regional partners. • Resources – effectively using internal resources and gaining ‘buy-in’ from all. What

  8. Oct 2016 APPG minutes 31 10 16.pdf

    All Party Parliamentary Group for Ageing and Older People AGM Monday 31st October 2016 5pm-6pm Committee Room 21, HOC Minutes of the AGM held on 31st October 2016 in Committee Room 21, House of Commons ... Suzanne Foster, Angela Kitching and Jane Vass, Age UK (Secretariat) Apologies: Baroness Jolly, Rachael Maskell MP Introduction: Nusrat Ghani welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the running order

  9. Louise Hughes.pdf

    Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 • Wellbeing and Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 • Regulation and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 2 Developments across England and Wales • Change ... Protection Safeguards • Update of the Advocacy Quality Performance Mark and the Advocacy Charter • The end of Advocacy Action Alliance and the rise of Leaders in Advocacy • Advocacy awareness week 3 Welsh specific

  10. Cartrefu Infographic - English 14.08.20.pdf

    participatory and mentoring programme It’s estimated that 80% of older care home residents are living with dementia. In 2013 the Alzheimer’s Society surveyed relatives of care home residents, and it was found ... between 2015 and 2017, ... Age Cymru recruited professional artists in Wales who were then supported by experienced mentors, delivering weekly participatory creative sessions with residents, staff and family

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