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  1. RB_June15_The_Future_of_Transport_in_an_Ageing_Society.pdf

    areas do not use public transport because it is less convenient, infrequent, does not go where they wish or is simply not available. How can we improve transport in rural areas? Community car sharing schemes

  2. RB_July16_Walking_the_tightrope.pdf

    priority on supporting people of working age with caring responsibilities to remain in work, if they wish to do so’, and recognising the role not only of flexible working conditions, but also social care services

  3. Carers Policy Statement - August 2019.pdf

    is most commonly cited as the biggest barrier to carers remaining in work. Consequently carers who wish to remain in work have to make compromises in order to do so, for example using annual leave to provide

  4. envisage15_English.pdf

    take action to ensure their organisation can support older workers to stay at work as long as they wish to, and to appeal to over 50s seeking a return to work. More than 40 employers have been involved

  5. envisage15_English.pdf

    take action to ensure their organisation can support older workers to stay at work as long as they wish to, and to appeal to over 50s seeking a return to work. More than 40 employers have been involved

  6. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Eng.pdf

    do not force us to move to an institutional setting if we require more care and support • We will wish to feel in control of our destiny, able to take our own decisions about our homes • While we believe

  7. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2014_2015.pdf

    Age UK also hold an interest in The Pension Trust’s Growth Plan. The Plan was used for members wishing to pay Additional Voluntary contributions (AVC) under the old Help the Aged defined benefit scheme ... commitments Age UK also hold an interest in The Pension Trust’s Growth Plan. The Plan was used for members wishing to pay Additional Voluntary contributions (AVC) under the old Help the Aged defined benefit scheme

  8. RB_2011_Living_on_a_low_income_full_report.pdf

    older people with income from savings have been badly affected by interest rate cuts, and those wishing to release capital are disadvantaged by a weak housing market. Furthermore, pensioners are being ... spontaneous by using a car, their limited budgets could restrict their freedom to use it as they really wished. Several participants were thinking about giving up their cars, due to the cost of running them or

  9. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2013_2014.pdf

    Age UK also hold an interest in The Pension Trust’s Growth Plan. The Plan was used for members wishing to pay Additional Voluntary contributions (AVC) under the old Help the Aged defined benefit scheme ... Commitments Age UK also hold an interest in The Pension Trust’s Growth Plan. The Plan was used for members wishing to pay Additional Voluntary contributions (AVC) under the old Help the Aged defined benefit scheme

  10. RB_Jan10_older_people’s_experiences_of_renting_privately.pdf

    aware of the full range of their housing options and where possible assisted to move if this is their wish. The strategy is aimed at local authorities and voluntary sector agencies that already have procedures

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