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  1. RB_Oct16_Autumn_Statement_2016.pdf

    has provided a route through which the NHS has been able to support ‘home from hospital’ schemes, dementia support and integrated care schemes. However, an important role for networks such as Age UK and

  2. Tell Me More Summary Report - English.pdf

    here, so I am happy; it is nice to talk to people.’ Resident: ‘I get on well with the people with dementia. I know we cannot converse and have a good conversation but there are times when we can talk about

  3. Tell Me More Summary Report - Welsh.pdf

    yma, felly rwy'n hapus; mae'n braf siarad â phobl.' Preswylydd: 'Rwy'n gyfeillgar â'r bobl sydd â dementia. Rwy'n gwybod na allwn sgwrsio na chael sgwrs dda ond mae ‘na adegau pan allwn siarad am yr hen

  4. FS58w.pdf

    Both residential care homes and nursing care homes can provide various specialisms/services (e.g. dementia care). However, a home must not provide nursing care if it is not registered for that purpose. All

  5. FS2.pdf

    taken if your needs changed substantially, for example you develop a long-term health condition like dementia. For more information, contact LEASE. 9 The right to manage If your lease was originally granted

  6. Diogelu pobl hŷn - Mai 2021.pdf

    tystiolaeth gyfyngedig ar gael yn ymwneud â phobl lesbiaidd, hoyw a deurywiol hŷn.32 Mae pobl hŷn gyda dementia mewn mwy o berygl o gael eu cam-drin oherwydd eu diffyg gallu i geisio cymorth, eirioli drostyn

  7. RB_July16_Walking_the_tightrope.pdf

    Chiat’s story Professor Shula Chiat is 62, and has been caring intensively for her mother who has dementia for around three years. When her mother’s need for additional support first became apparent, Shula ... even when they would have preferred to remain in employment. Carers looking after people with dementia stressed that there are specific barriers here. The length of time it can take to get a diagnosis

  8. Age Cymru MMIYP - Welsh.pdf

    eich hun (gallai’r eithriad fod yn berthnasol hefyd os oes rhywun arall yn byw yn yr eiddo sydd â dementia hefyd, neu fath arall o ‘nam meddyliol difrifol’). • Os yw’r eiddo’n rhandy i’r prif eiddo, cyn ... wybodaeth, gweler ein canllawiau rhad ac am ddim, Lwfans Gofalwr, Cyngor i Ofalwyr a Gofalu am rywun â dementia. 38 Mwy o arian yn eich poced Budd-daliadau oedran gweithio Os ydych chi o dan oedran Pensiwn y

  9. RB_Sept16_Attendance_Allownace_ survey_report.pdf

    This is unsurprising as the oldest and most severely disabled older people, including those with dementia, may be less able to respond to a survey.  Nearly three-fifths of those completing our survey who

  10. Final Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness report

    over say that feelings of loneliness are out of their control. (Independent Age) 38% of people with dementia said that they had lost friends after their diagnosis. (Alzheimer’s Society) 8 out of 10 carers

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