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  1. CRS_Sept16_UPR-submission.pdf

    undertake a review of the DoLS which is currently underway. 6.2 A key concern with the current DoLS system is that it is too often used to sanction restrictive care or treatment that is manifestly not in ... concerned that this increase is pricing those who have suffered discrimination at work out of the justice system, and means that employers who discriminate against older workers are not being held to account.

  2. annual_review_2016_2017.pdf

    campaign important to you? I feel very passionately that there needs to be complete reform of the care system. Mum and I visited Parliament and our story featured in Age UK’s campaign report. I think we got ... Attendance Allowance to local councils. In effect this would mean more cuts to an already stretched system. Two of our campaigners were Carmel and her daughter, Pat. 20 21 21 Breaking the age barrier in Sierra

  3. 20191010 Chair of Trustees Recruitment Pack.pdf

    itself that systems are in place to maximise opportunities, and manage and mitigate risks  Ensure that the Board fulfils its duties to ensure the sound financial health of the charity, with systems in place

  4. Winter 2022 Newsletter welsh web.pdf

    gallech roi cynnig ar ymarferion mwy egnïol. Mae bod yn egnïol yn gorfforol yn helpu i roi hwb i’n system imiwnedd hefyd, felly mae’n beth cadarnhaol ar gyfer ein hiechyd yn y gaeaf. Mae llawer o gyfleoedd ... ffyrdd ymarferol y gallwn ni gynhesu ein cartref yn effeithiol. Yn gyntaf, gwnewch yn siw ^r bod eich system wresogi yn gweithio’n ddiogel ac yn effeithlon. Mae angen iddo gael ei wirio’n flynyddol gan beiriannydd

  5. RB_Oct10_Invisible_But_Invaluable_Report.pdf

    Older carers often receive no financial support, or only do so after going through a very complicated system. They tend not to refer to themselves as carers, as they are looking after family members, and ... have cared for 40 years for their disabled son or daughter tend to have found their way through the system, although they can still find getting support trying as circumstances change. Both groups have contributed

  6. CRS_Oct15_Primary_Care_Public_Health_Inquiry.pdf

    accelerating behaviour change towards self-care/self-management and prevention requires a health and care system that puts people in control of their own health and wellbeing. This approach underpins work we are ... indicates an inconsistency across the NHS which confuses people and puts unnecessary pressure on the system.” Evidence from our engagement with older people suggests that many of us already selfcare and

  7. FS38w.pdf

    Information about this factsheet 5 1.1 Definitions and terminology 5 2 Legislation covering the social care system in Wales 7 2.1 The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 and ... and accompanying Code of Practice guidance – relevance to the social care system in Wales 7 3 The local authority financial means test for care home provision – introduction

  8. Newsletter Nov 2020 v2.pdf

    likelihood to benefit and not just their age. 2/ Paying for Care – ensuring Wales has a social care system that’s fit for purpose, meets the needs of older people, and doesn’t financially penalise those who ... consultations with sufficient time allocated; accessible and age friendly telephone triage and contact systems; healthcare within accessible buildings; clear communications about significant changes to local

  9. FS24w.pdf

    factsheet 5 1.1 Local authority social services departments 5 2 Legislation covering the social care system in Wales – the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 and ... charging procedures for local authority social care services (and how direct payments fit into the system) 9 4.1 Assessment and eligibility for services 10 4.2 Financial means testing 11 4.3 Information

  10. Digital Innovation review - November 2018.pdf

    remain in work over the next year. Unpaid carers are effectively propping up our current social care system and it is essential that they are given the support they need to enable them to continue caring and ... people combat social isolation.5 3. Unpaid carers are effectively propping up our current social care system, often to the detriment of their own ability to earn a living and to their own health and wellbeing

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