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  1. FS92.pdf

    UC’ campaign 9 2.5 Exceptions 9 3 How to claim 9 3.1 Support for claiming 10 3.2 Interview with a work coach 11 3.3 Claimant Commitment 11 3.4 Claim maintenance 12 4 Decisions and payments 13 4.1 Payments ... All work-related requirements 15 5.1.2 No work-related requirements 15 5.1.3 Work-focussed interviews only 16 5.1.4 Work-focussed interviews and work preparation requirements 16 5.2 Types of work-related

  2. annual_review_2012_2013.pdf

    do so by working with partners in the UK and around the world. We work with Age Cymru, Age Scotland and Age NI and with local Age UKs, Friends and Forums across England. Internationally, we work with our ... thank you. Our partnership with them is one we are particularly proud of and one that enables us to work day in, day out to improve later life for today and tomorrow. A full copy of our Annual Report and

  3. Wales Against Scams Partnership

    large-scale, systemic change. Until then, we must work to build resilience to fraud across our society. This will not be easy and we believe that working in partnership is essential so that we can share

  4. What is adult safeguarding?

    adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same ... destruction of household goods) rape preventing a person from having access to transport or from working.

  5. CRS_Dec16_response_to_Cridland_SPA_review.pdf

    2016. This sets out the context, considers the three pillars of affordability, fairness and fuller working lives and looks at the impact of changes to State Pension age for particular groups and possible ... will find it difficult or impossible to keep working or who are otherwise subsisting on an extremely low income. Our report from earlier this year, Working Later, waiting longer, explored a series of case

  6. CRS_Oct10_phasing_out_the_DRA.pdf

    positive impact on individuals, employers and the UK economy by helping many people who want or need to work remain in employment. We support the timescale for phasing out the Default Retirement Age suggested ... to request to work on should apply. We believe the discussion between employer and employee on retirement options should ultimately be absorbed into the right to request flexible working. As the Coalition

  7. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Order Form.pdf

    Organisation Address Postcode Telephone Email We’d like to keep you informed about our vital work. Please tick or circle the areas you’re interested in: Arts Campaigns Events Fundraising Information

  8. Dec 2016 Safeguarding meeting - External.pdf

    these issues. Two key challenges in adult safeguarding First, making sure that multi agency partners work well together, share information appropriately, have the skills and resources necessary to get the ... how to solve the problem. There is a gap in knowledge around how the Telephone Preference Service works. People may think that it blocks fraudulent calls when it doesn’t, causing them to be most trusting

  9. Managing your money in Winter

    ready for winter It's cheaper and easier to heat your home if it's well insulated and your heating works properly. Draught proof doors and windows, insulate the loft, lag the hot-water tank and pipes, and ... getting cavity-wall insulation Have your heating system serviced every year and check that it's working before the cold weather starts. If you rent your home, landlords have a legal duty to have all gas

  10. RB_Oct17_Creating_a_career_MOT_at_50.pdf

    helping more people love later life. ID000000 03/17 Creating a ‘Career MOT at 50’ Helping people keep working and save for later life An Age UK discussion paper, October 2017 2 Why the ‘Career MOT ... 2030s and beyond. This makes working longer essential, and there is a clear need to help people plan their future careers as they approach the latter part of their working life. Many people are likely

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