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  1. Life on a low income - FINAL - E.pdf

    Credit in 2003 meant a real terms increase in the incomes of many older people. In Wales, Welsh Government policies such as free bus travel and assistance for people to improve the energy efficiency of ... vulnerable to price increases. Recent increases in the level of basic State Pension thanks to the UK Government’s ‘triple lock’ policy have been very welcome. However they mask the fact that the State Pension

  2. CRS_Dec16_Post_Office_Network_Consultation.pdf

    the government and the Post Office comes to an end in 2018 and so this consultation will be important in determining support for the network in the future and also for ensuring that the government is able ... reach and customers in vulnerable circumstances, especially those who need help to access online government services  We think that communities may have a useful role to play in delivering the Post Office

  3. FS14.pdf

    Dealing with an estate Page 4 of 28 1 Recent developments For deaths on or after 1 January 2022, the government introduced measures widening when full Inheritance Tax accounts are not required to be delivered ... If there is no valid will, the deceased person has died ‘intestate’. Laws known as intestacy rules govern how their estate should be distributed. Unmarried or divorced partners normally do not inherit anything

  4. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    amongst an area of sheltered housing where all those interviewed were living) or were generally able-bodied and well enough to still drive or use public transport (in the case of Louth) although when travelling ... the most significant feeling post-course along with the feeling of being able to access a limitless body of new information. Most interviewees were using the internet for a more varied range of reasons since

  5. RB_Oct13_Age_UK_End_of_Life_Evidence_Review.pdf

    in mental capacity, such as through dementia or delirium. The Mental Capacity Act (MCA 2005)74 governs decision-making on behalf of adults who lack the capacity to make some or all decisions for themselves ... or hours of life, sometimes for weeks without follow-up.97 An independent review was ordered by government which found that, when properly used, the LCP works well. However, it recommended that, because

  6. CRS_Sept15_CMS_Committee_broadband.pdf

    companionship and advice for older people who need it most. 1.2 Age UK welcomes the progress made by the Government in delivering superfast broadband coverage (hereby referred to as ‘coverage’) and the aim to provide ... other services around social care and social connectedness. As part of extending coverage, the Government must ensure older people are fully digitally included. 2. Supporting digital skills 2.1 Some

  7. CRS_Oct14_Housing_standards_review_technical_consultation.pdf

    retain the option of ‘staying put’, whenever feasible.  Optional standards, as suggested by Government, are open to challenge and could end up creating more red tape rather than less. This could potentially ... benefits Age UK supports measures to increase the overall supply of new homes. We understand that the Government wants to reduce the complexity and cost associated with a multiplicity of standards for new developments

  8. BGF_Pilot_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    programme is currently being operated within care homes throughout Japan, having been backed by government funding. The British Gymnastics Foundation would like to replicate this success. 1.3. The British ... the use of asymmetric activities, and to help improve core strength and the full use of the upper body including shoulder movements, arm movements and hand and finger movements. The programme has also

  9. RB_2016_Testing_Promising_Approaches_to_Reducing_Loneliness_Report.pdf

    identify people who can benefit from intensive, holistic support, whilst further supporting the growing body of evidence that loneliness is a ‘condition’ that can have dramatic consequences on a person’s health ... pdf w● Local Government Association

  10. CRS_Jan17_Handbook_changes_to_reflect_introduction_Lifetime_ISA.pdf

    for retirement. A LISA can be opened by an individual aged under 40, while payments attracting a government bonus of 25 per cent – equivalent to basic rate tax relief on pensions – can continue until age ... against. 3  We propose that a comparative table is provided to consumers to ensure that the LISA government ‘bonus’ and workplace person tax relief are more easily compared. 1. Introduction We previously

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