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  1. Spring Newsletter 2023 v5.pdf

    remain in work, continue to earn, and stay connected. Recent research by the Centre of Ageing and Dementia Research in Wales in partnership with the Age at Work programme, found that only 13% of responding

  2. FS37w.pdf

    have a cognitive impairment or dementia (consideration will need to be based on individual needs and circumstances, where more specialist intervention “such as Dementia/Memory Rehab” may also need to be ... Society Provides information and factsheets about all types of dementia. They may also operate services in your area to support people with dementia, along with their families and carers. Tel: 0333 150 3456

  3. FS24w.pdf

    26 of 46 13 Direct payments case studies Case Study 1 “A 56-year-old man with early-onset dementia has a very short concentration span requiring almost constant stimulation, which he seeks out from ... money to pay for a taxi every month to attend, with his wife, a club for people with early-onset dementia and their carers. His wife pays for half the cost of the taxi from a carer’s direct payment she

  4. FS38w.pdf

    Both residential care homes and nursing care homes can provide various specialisms/services (e.g. dementia care). However, a home must not provide nursing care if it is not registered for that purpose. Some ... how a local authority might use their discretionary disregard power: Jayne has the early signs of dementia, but wishes to continue living in her own home. At the time, a local authority care needs assessment

  5. Gwerthfawrogi Lleisiau yng Nghymru - Cymraeg - Hydref 2020.pdf

    cleient penodol ac maent wedi'u hatgynhyrchu isod: Tynnodd eiriolwyr sylw'n benodol at bobl sydd â dementia a phobl sydd ag anableddau dysgu a oedd yn ei chael hi'n anodd cyfathrebu neu ddeall sut mae cyfathrebu ... gan eraill yn yr ystafell." "Pobl hŷn nad ydynt yn hyderus wrth ddefnyddio technoleg, pobl sydd â dementia sy'n ymgysylltu'n well wyneb yn wyneb yn hytrach na thrwy fideo neu dros y ffôn, pobl sydd â chyflyrau

  6. IG24.pdf 35 Alzheimer’s Society. Offers advice, information and support to people with dementia, their families and carers through its helpline and local offices. Tel: 0333 150 3456. www.alzheimers

  7. FS7.pdf

    that influences you to make bequests that you would not otherwise have made. If you have advanced dementia or similar health problems, it may be advisable to have a medical practitioner’s statement when

  8. Transport policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    and private hire vehicles.53 In our response to the consultation, we suggested the inclusion of dementia awareness training in appropriate taxi/private hire vehicle staff training programmes. The Blue

  9. Newsletter Autumn 2021 Welsh.pdf

    ar-lein neu yn y cnawd. Mae Sporting Memories yn cynorthwyo oedolion hŷn sy’n byw gyda chyflyrau fel dementia, iselder neu unigrwydd. Trwy ddod ag oedolion ynghyd i gofio chwaraeon a siarad amdanynt, mae Sporting

  10. annual_review_2011_2012.pdf

    international agreement on tackling these common killers (lung and heart diseases, cancers, diabetes, dementia). We worked with international partners and the UK Government to ensure that the resulting political

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