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  1. RB_2012_Equalities_Evidence_Review_Moriarty.pdf

    older women are more likely to fall than men but men are more likely to have a fall that is fatal.(100) The World Health Organization suggests women fall more often than men because they are more likely ... onto rooves. This is why, when men fall, they are more likely to die as a result of their fall.(98, 100) Sexual orientation We were unable to identify any studies looking at lesbian, gay and bisexual older

  2. RB_Oct16_Hidden_in_plain_sight_older_peoples_mental_health.pdf

    bed hospital, 330 beds will be occupied by older people, of whom 220 will have a mental disorder, 100 each will have dementia and depression and 66 will have delirium.14 Mental health conditions in older

  3. RB_2016_Testing_Promising_Approaches_to_Reducing_Loneliness_Report.pdf

    included feelings of increased independence, wellbeing and connectedness with people. 0 20 40 60 80 100 Graph 1: Proportion experiencing reductions in loneliness in relation to their initial loneliness

  4. Welsh Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020_.pdf

    wedi cael ymateb gwych gan y gymuned i'n hymgyrch recriwtio gwirfoddolwyr ac rydym wedi recriwtio 100 o wirfoddolwyr newydd fel rhan o'n Tîm Ymateb Cymunedol COVID19. Dilynir mesurau llym i sicrhau bod

  5. FS87.pdf

    for paying ADP, CDP and SCP in Scotland. Stroke Association Telephone 0303 3033 100 Provides information and community support in some areas. Versus Arthritis

  6. Profiadau pobl 50 oed a hŷn yng Nghymru yn ystod cyfnod clo cyntaf Covid-19, a’u hadferiad - Hydref 2020 CYM.pdf

    mewn cartref gofal preswyl, neu yn yr ysbyty. ‘Y peth gwaethaf yw peidio â gallu gweld fy mam sy’n 100 oed, a hithau mewn cartref nyrsio’ Benyw, 55-59 oed, Conwy Cafodd pobl hŷn eraill hi’n anodd oherwydd

  7. IG13.pdf

    “My mum is in her late eighties. She lives in a flat on her own about 200 miles away and is about 100 miles from my two brothers. Her health has deteriorated over the past three years and she doesn’t go

  8. Commissioning IPA Toolkit English Oct 19.pdf

    commissioners Assessment Range of score that can be given What this score means? Good Green Between 76 and 100 You have good evidence to suggest that you comply with the good practice statement. Sufficient Yellow ... Impact Assessment will then be presented to the Leadership Group and Heads of Service for a decision. 100 Annex D: Gwent Advocacy Report Conclusion The Advocacy Co-production Forum brings together representatives

  9. CRS_June14_CPA_Using_housing_wealth_to_pay_for_care.pdf

    Policy on Ageing – Rapid review June 2014    Under home reversion plans, an individual sells up to a 100 per cent share of their home to a provider for a tax free lump‐sum and continues to live there  rent‐free ... affordability; There are great inequalities in overall wealth, with the top 10 per cent owning more than 100 times the wealth of the bottom 10 per cent; Housing wealth is spread very unevenly in Britain, though

  10. Commissioning IPA Toolkit Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    Comisiynwyr Asesiad Ystod y sgôr y gellir ei rhoi Beth mae’r sgor yn ei olygu? Da Gwyrdd Rhwng 76 a 100 Mae gennych chi dystiolaeth dda i awgrymu eich bod yn cydymffurfio â’r datganiad arfer da Digonol Melyn ... Gydraddoldeb yn cael ei gyflwyno i’r Grŵp Arweinyddiaeth a’r Penaethiaid Gwasanaeth am benderfyniad. 100 Atodiad D: Adroddiad Eiriolaeth Gwent Strwythur Ymgysylltu Gwent Fforwm Cydgynhyrchu Eiriolaeth Grŵp

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