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  1. IL5.pdf

    visiting times or numbers of visitors? n Are there facilities for visitors to stay overnight? n Are young children welcome? n Is there a space for residents to spend time with visitors? n Are visitors able

  2. Talking_about_death_booklet_final_version.pdf

    used in various ways – perhaps as a picture book to discuss with young children using your own words and explanations or as a tool for young people and whole families. This book is designed to start conversations ... is it we find it so difficult to talk to each other, our older relatives, our grown up children, young people, children and our grandchildren about what worries we all have about dying? Or about others

  3. Newsletter Spring 2021.pdf

    no doubting that we’re living in unprecedented times as we mark a year of lockdown following the onset of Covid 19 at the beginning of 2020. During the recent pandemic many of us have lost loved ones, ... Commissioner for Wales, built on what Heléna said by talking about the impact of the lockdown on young people. She spoke about the importance of older and younger people respecting each other’s skills

  4. RB_April11_Evidence_Review_Healthy_Ageing.pdf

    communities, including older people. The strongest message was that, with the exception of children and young people, the role of government was to enable healthy lifestyles, rather than to intervene. In 2006 ... that increases frailty. If we can design and execute effective interventions to prevent or delay the onset of chronic disease and increase healthy life expectancy, there will be social, economic and health

  5. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation-Lessons_Learnt.pdf

    a collaborative project between Age UK and YouthNet to develop an intergeneration model that uses young volunteers to help older people develop their knowledge and understanding of what is and how to use ... for young and older people but an agreed understanding of what types of designs to be used for what audiences Recruiting Young People  The roles of local Age UKs and YouthNet in recruiting young people

  6. Newsletter v6.pdf

    2020 Covid 19: The story so far from Age Cymru By Victoria Lloyd, Chief Executive, June 2020 The onset of Covid 19 was swift and severe, affecting the whole of society; but with the risk of the disease ... others had always been important for Phyllis, particularly for those who didn’t have much, and as a young woman she became a shop steward in the Freeman’s cigar factory in Cardiff. Phyllis’ zest for campaigning

  7. RB_April15_Vulnerability_resilience_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    incredibly diverse population. This kind of thinking is very well embedded in work with children and young people, where there has been a lot of policy and research work done around prevention and early intervention ... friends and others – which may change or diminish with transitions from work, loss of a spouse or the onset of limiting illness. Understanding the factors that affect levels of social engagement in later

  8. RB_June11_job_blocking_briefing.pdf

    unemployment rates; to the French shortened working week in the 1990s in order to free up jobs for young people; and the scares in the 1950s that automation in factories would lead to mass unemployment. ... for breadwinning males. Now lump-of-labourites say that keeping the old at work would deprive the young of employment. The idea that society can become more prosperous by paying more of its citizens to

  9. RB_July11_Ageing_well_Improving_Later_Life_Book.pdf

    Birmingham Centre for Healthy Ageing Research. As you age you become more susceptible to infections than young people and do not respond as well to vaccinations. This all suggests that the immune system does ... are eating or pain in your shoulders and hips) • sudden onset double vision • persistent severe pain in your eye • flashes and floaters • sudden onset distortion of central vision. Where should you go for

  10. Technology_Together_Evaluation_Jan-2015.pdf

    .................................................................................. 10 Recruiting Young People .......................................................................................... ... ............................ 16 4.Young People’s Experiences & Outcomes ............................................................................ 17 Why did young people volunteer for this project?

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