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  1. v1.3a Determining need for advocacy - revised October 2017.docx

    and support planning, review and safeguarding processes, professionals must ascertain whether the person has any barriers which prevent their full participation in determining and securingtheir well-being ... 63).2A. If a person is assessed as experiencing one or more of these barriers, and this is because of an impai rment of, or disturbance in, the functioning of the mind or brain, the person may lack capacity

  2. WWU - English.pdf

    have a carbon monoxide alarm fitted in each room that has a gas appliance, as there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning if air vents become blocked. It’s possible to buy alarms that are audible, visible ... section on pages 21). Make Tuesday ‘Test-it Tuesday’ • Get into the habit of testing your smoke alarms regularly to make sure they’re working and so that you’re familiar with the sound. • The fire service

  3. Pensions advice

    people are entitled to a state pension when they reach state pension age, but you may also have a personal or a workplace pension. In this section, you can find free and impartial advice on pensions, annuities

  4. Unpaid carers.pdf

    ©2021 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Unpaid carers The person you’re supporting may be a unpaid carer for the other person/s they live with. It’s useful for you to be aware of this when you’re ... in a whole range of practical, physical, personal and administrative tasks. Examples might include; cooking; housework; lifting, washing and dressing the person cared for; helping with toileting needs;

  5. Neglect

    Neglect is the failure of any person who has responsibility for the care of an adult who needs care and support to provide the amount and type of care that a reasonable person would be expected to provide ... unintentional act(s) or omission(s). Under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 wilful neglect and ill-treatment of a person lacking capacity is a criminal offence and can result in a fine or imprisonment. Under the Criminal

  6. Disability Living Allowance

    gradually being replaced by Personal Independence Payment .  Disability Living Allowance has been discontinued by the government and is gradually being replaced by Personal Independence Payment. However ... before 8 April 1948 and are already currently claiming DLA You are claiming on behalf of a disabled person under the age of 16 To continue to claim DLA you will need to show that you meet the criteria for

  7. Income tax

    to pay tax on: Pension Credit Universal Credit Attendance Allowance Disability Living Allowance Personal Independence Payment Winter Fuel Payment pensions administered under the War Pensions Scheme and ... Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) some National Savings and Investments products. We all have a personal tax-free allowance representing the amount of income you can receive before paying tax. Our factsheet

  8. WWU - English.pdf

    the home • Smoke alarms You should fit a smoke alarm on every storey of your home. If you rent your home, the landlord is legally required to provide this. • Carbon monoxide alarms Heaters, boilers ... carbon monoxide alarm in any room which has a gas, oil or solid fuel burning appliance. If you rent your home, the landlord is legally required to provide this. It’s possible to buy alarms that are audible

  9. What you can do if you are lonely, or care for someone who is

    the signs. Some clues could include the person: having a significant change in their routine (e.g. getting up a lot later) neglecting their appearance or personal hygiene complaining of feeling worthless ... worthless not eating properly. You should also consider if the person you care about has had a change in their circumstances that could have caused their loneliness, such as: losing a loved one moving away from

  10. Clare Lucas.pdf

    Authorising arrangements • Arrangements can be authorised for enabling the care or treatment of a person (aged 16+) that give rise to a deprivation of liberty oCan be in any setting & multiple settings ... authority meeting the person’s needs or in whose area the person is ordinarily resident) The “conditions” medical assessment Capacity assessment • person lacks capacity to consent

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