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  1. Volunteer Co-ordinator - HOPE Project South Wales.pdf

    stakeholders to promote the HOPE Project 3. In line with local arrangements, implement a process and system for recruiting the volunteers 4. Ensure all prospective volunteers are inducted with Age Cymru and ... diversity and inclusion as per local arrangements. 5. Establish and implement a mentoring/buddying system for the new volunteers 6. Ensure all volunteers have appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service checks

  2. CAP Regional Volunteer Officer North and Mid Wales - English.pdf

    4. Ensure the delivery of all the relevant training required. 5. Provide a mentoring / buddying system for the new volunteers. 6. Ensure all volunteers have appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service ... methods. 2 13. Maintain accurate and up to date records in the region utilising our case management system and other databases, to provide for the effective monitoring and evaluation of the project. 14.

  3. 20190905 Increasing notice period for 'no fault eviction' - Age Cymru response.pdf

    fewer people able to own their own home, renting privately may be the only option, but the way the system currently works means that renters are never on a sure footing. This can be stressful and uncertain ... and tenants: a consultation. July 2019. ew_Deal_for_Renting_Resetting_the_Balance_of_Rights_and_

  4. RB_2015_Improving_later_life_for_people_with_sight_loss-Summary.pdf

    offering them information, advice and access to the agencies that can provide support to navigate the system. Sight loss advisers, integrated care and partnership working can deliver seamless transitions between ... healthy and active lives is not just a matter of providing the right services. It requires a whole-system response from policy makers, commissioners and practitioners to make communities ready for ageing

  5. Age Cymru evidence to Health and Social Care Commitee open ended consultation September 2022.pdf

    Authorities should all be using case management systems that can easily report on delays in access to social care provision. We had expected that social care data systems would be sufficiently mature to follow ... highlighted differences in local authority care management systems, what data is routinely collected, changeovers from one case management system to another, data 3 collection methodologies and other ways

  6. FS42w.pdf

    35 8 Personal alarms and other assistive technology 35 8.1 Personal alarms 35 8.2 Other types of assistive technology – ‘Telecare’ 36 8.3 Telehealth 38 8.4 Environmental Control Systems 38 9 Equipment ... and support”, including – as a minimum – “publication of information...on how the care and support system operates in the local authority area...the types of care and support available [and] how to access

  7. Legacy leaflet Welsh.pdf

    Emlyn a Gwen. Trowch y dudalen i gael gwybod sut. Byddwn ni yma i roi cyngor i Emlyn Pan dorrodd system wres Emlyn, ar adeg pan oedd ei hangen fwyaf arno, roedd yn pryderu’n arw. Fe gafodd Emlyn gyngor ... gennym am wahanol grantiau effeithlonrwydd ynni i helpu gyda chostau atgyweirio neu ddiweddaru ei system wres ac fe gafodd wiriad budd-daliadau gennym, i wneud yn siŵr ei fod yn hawlio popeth y mae ganddo

  8. Age Cymru – Executive summary - Why are we waiting - Delays in care assessments in Wales.pdf

    and community mean that immediate support for those individuals, as well as long term change in the system is needed urgently. 5) More resource needs to be focused on supporting people to wait well within ... Cymru 2022 Recommendations Recommendation 1 Local authorities should use the same case management system and ensure data captured is consistent across all of Wales. This will also assist with those who

  9. The coronavirus vaccine (and booster doses)

    my vaccination?  In general, the purpose of a vaccine is always the same: to train our immune system to respond to a germ as if it has seen it before and remembers how to tackle it. Vaccines teach our ... replicate and cause an infection. After vaccination, if the virus gets into our body, our immune system should remember what to do and produce antibodies to fight it. This means the infection shouldn’t

  10. Grant application information and guidance - Small grant programme to combat isolation and loneliness of older military veterans in Wales.pdf

    Separately, more technical guidelines on using the GIFTS system can be found on the Age Cymru website. If you require assistance with the GIFTS system, please email The deadline for submitting ... submitting your application is Monday 26 October 2020 at 5pm. The system will not accept late applications so please ensure you submit your application on time. Contents Section 1: Background to the funding

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