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  1. 20190725 Health Social Care and Sport Committees consultation on the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Bill VL.pdf

    before;  people who will only drink from a particular cup come back to care homes from hospital dehydrated, when care home staff could have brought the cup they needed to the ward for them. Without the short-term

  2. IG47.pdf

    and might need prompting to drink. Suggesting a drink together, offering them a drink, or leaving a cup or beaker within easy reach and where they can see it can make a real difference. 32 Next steps. If ... Don’t rush yourself. It may take time to start looking forward and feeling positive about what the world has to offer, and what you can offer in return. Support from others – especially those who have been

  3. IG24.pdf

    dehydration and make sure your body functions as it should. It’s recommended that you aim to drink 6-8 cups of fluid a day – that’s about 1.5 litres or 2.5 pints. It can be of any hot or cold drink – for example ... or yoghurt. • Find a way to drink that works for you. This might mean using a straw, a bottle, or a cup with handles – whatever you prefer. If you feel like you’re drinking too much alcohol. • Try a few

  4. CRS_Sept15_CMS_Committee_broadband.pdf

    Consultation Response Ref 3015 Culture, Media and Sport Committee inquiry into establishing world-class connectivity throughout the UK September 2015 All rights reserved. Third parties may only ... country's largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this. We help more than 5m people

  5. RB_2011_Living_on_a_low_income_full_report.pdf

    finding cheap places to eat and drink, for example by making use of special ‘meal deals’ or buying a cup of tea for 50p at the market stall, rather than going to a cafe. Some took advantage of pensioner discounts ... unnecessary, which explains why many people felt guilty for buying themselves a cream cake (or even a cup of tea when out shopping), as illustrated below: W1: A few Saturdays ago I was out shopping and I

  6. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    can have a major impact on reducing rates of chronic illness (World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research, 2007; World Health Organization, 2002). More specifically, a longitudinal ... case study interviews are reflected on to demonstrate the interwoven benefits to participants. The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and

  7. RB_June11_the_way_we_pay.pdf

    part of everyday life. Imagine buying a train ticket without a credit or debit card, or paying for a cup of coffee without cash. We regard some services, such as energy, water and telecommunications, as ... widely considered essential. 1 Low-value person-to-person transactions, e.g. buying a newspaper or a cup of coffee. Cash is often preferred, however accessing cash is not always free, easy or perceived as

  8. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2012_2013.pdf

    Accounts 2012/13 Improving later life. Today and tomorrow. About Age UK Age UK has a vision of a world where older people flourish. We are here to stand up for the 14 million people in the UK and 846 million ... products, training and research. Our partners Age UK works with partners in the UK and across the world. We work with Age Cymru, Age Scotland and Age NI and with local Age UKs in communities across England

  9. Walking_Football-Qualitative_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    physical activity without proper warm up…I think warm up has been very beneficial” “afterwards you have cup of tea coffee and have a chat about things…social thing as well”” “the whole thing very well organised

  10. CRS_Nov14_LGA_role_ageing_population.pdf

    the potential of our ageing population can be part of the solution. Age UK’s guiding vision is a world where everyone is able to love later life – a society where living longer is a cause for celebration ... should be included as well as those on health and care services Having Enough Money Age UK wants a world where everyone in later life has enough money. There are 1.6 million older people living in poverty

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