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  1. About Project 360°

    Project 360° is an innovative partnership project led by Age Cymru, working with Woody’s Lodge, and Age Alliance Wales members to support older military veterans across Wales.

  2. Dental services for older people

    As you get older it's even more important to take care of your teeth and gums. Find out more about dental care in our online guide.

  3. About Project 360°

    Project 360° is an innovative partnership project led by Age Cymru, working with Woody’s Lodge, and Age Alliance Wales members to support older military veterans across Wales.

  4. Ageism

    Ageism, discrimination based on a person’s age, has a dramatic‚ detrimental effect on older people but this is often not acknowledged.

  5. Bereavement Support Payment

    bereavement benefits - including Bereavement Support Payment, Bereavement Allowance, Widowed Parent's Allowance, and Bereavement Payment - eligiblity criteria, and how to claim.

  6. Random acts of kindness

    17 February is random acts of kindness day. Why not carry out an act of kindness and make someone's day a little brighter.

  7. What is adult safeguarding?

    Safeguarding is a term that refers our duty to protect an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.

  8. RB_Mar2014_ fear_of_Crime.pdf

    Organisation survey of older people’s health and wellbeing in six countries. Key findings:  There are large national variations in rates of fear of crime  Older women and frail older people are most susceptible ... 49% of older people in South Africa felt unsafe alone at home, compared to only 3% in China. Older women and poor older people are consistently more afraid of crime than older men and richer people. Figure

  9. Making hospital discharge safe

    hospital, but many do. For those that need help it’s important that you know what help you may need and where to get it. Knowing yours and your loved one’s rights helps you get help needed to aid recovery

  10. Problems with a care home

    run and provide excellent care - however, occasionally you might be unhappy about the care home. Here's how to go about complaining.

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