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  1. 2020 amendments WWU – English.pdf

    original publication of this guide, COVID-19 has become a major health emergency, including for this winter. The situation with COVID-19 may be subject to frequent changes for the foreseeable future, so please ... as the scheme is being extended to include this younger age group. Creating an age friendly Wales Winter wrapped up Amendments for November 2020 • Page 10: the link to find contact details for local councils

  2. Age Matters

    Matters - Spring 2024 edition Age Matters - Winter 2023 edition Age Matters - Summer 2023 edition Age Matters - Spring 2023 edition Winter 2022 Age Matters - Winter 2022 edition - English Age Matters - Argraffiad ... English Spring 2022 Age Matters newsletter - Welsh version Age Matters newsletter - English version Winter 2021 Age Matters newsletter - English version Age Matters newsletter - Welsh version Autumn 2021

  3. WWU - English.pdf

    AgeUKIG43 Creating an age friendly Wales Winter wrapped up A guide to keeping warm, safe and well this winter Health & wellbeing 2 Winter wrapped up Who we are Age Cymru is the national charity for older ... 029 2043 1555 Registered Charity 1128436 Date of publication: October 2023 3 Winter wrapped up How we can help Age Cymru Advice: our information and advice service for matters affecting

  4. 20210917 Local Government and Housing Cttee - Age Cymru response (1).pdf

    Forum Wales worked together to gather the experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter Covid-19 lockdown and to understand the perspectives of older people on recovery.1 The findings of ... factor. Issues were also 1 Age Cymru (2021) Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the winter Covid-19 lockdown, and the road to recovery Lockdown survey provides an insight into what older

  5. Blueprint for older people in Wales.pdf

    which has left many older people struggling to access cash or manage their money.4 Shared Banking Hubs are a good development but their rollout has been slow. Physical banking services need more protection ... services as well as access to cash • Work with the banking industry on the continued rollout of Banking Hubs and protect local banking services until a replacement service is operational • Protect access to

  6. Income tax

    Credit Universal Credit Attendance Allowance Disability Living Allowance Personal Independence Payment Winter Fuel Payment pensions administered under the War Pensions Scheme and Armed Forces Compensation Scheme

  7. Seasonal Influenza (flu) vaccination

    This Winter it's more important than ever for older people to help protect themselves against the flu. Getting your free flu vaccination is the best way to help protect your health this winter.  What

  8. Life on a low income

    compromises and tough choices. Some people really do face a choice between heating and eating during the winter, while others do not eat a satisfying meal each day because they cannot afford to. In Wales, an estimated

  9. Newsletter Summer 2021 - English.pdf

    Peoples’ Alliance and the Welsh Senate of Older People on older people’s experiences of Covid and the winter lockdown. More than 1200 people took the time to tell us what the lockdown was like for them, we’ll ... newsletter from Age Cymru Summer Edition 2021 Understanding older people’s experiences of COVID – The winter lockdown survey In March 2021 Age Cymru, together with colleagues in Active Wales, COPA, Pensioners

  10. CRS_Feb16_LGA_housing_commission.pdf

    older people experiencing loneliness and isolation. Sheltered and retirement housing can also act as a hub for other older people living in mainstream housingv. Although this is not a new idea, local authorities ... the communal facilities within a scheme. There is a potential for retirement housing to offer a work hub for older people who want to carry on working past state pension age. 28. Local authorities and

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