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People also search for: volunteer walk and talk, free items, “home from hospital”

  1. Dementia Advocacy

    safeguarding solutions.  The advocacy we offer will be independent of any other service people living with dementia use. This means the person with dementia will be at the heart of the decision making process

  2. 6 Care home volunteer application form (1).pdf

    help us work towards an age friendly Wales. As a volunteer, you will not be required to support personal care for residents, but you will: • Be part of a thriving‚ friendly organisation • Receive relevant ... complete this application form as well as you can. Contact us with any queries – we will be pleased to assist. You will be notified when your DBS application has been initiated. This volunteering role involves

  3. 3 Care home volunteer profile.pdf

    Care Home Volunteer profile This volunteering opportunity will play a key role in supporting care homes as they facilitate residents' wellbeing. Are you interested in an engaging and unique volunteering ... real difference for care home residents, care home staff and yourself. It would suit someone keen to offer the following qualities and skills: • Good, positive communication skills • Understanding of confidentiality

  4. Project 360 grant programme application and delivery guidelines.pdf The deadline for submitting your Request Form is Monday 1 April at 5pm. The system will not accept late applications so please ensure you submit your application on time. Contents Section ... 2 Section 3: Funding available 3 Section 4: Who can apply? 3 Section 5: How we will assess your bid 3 Section 6: If you are awarded funding 4 2 1. Background

  5. 4 Become a care home volunteer leaflet .pdf

    residents and visitors. The feeling of doing something useful in my community.” Care home Volunteer What will you do? • Work with the Age Cymru art practitioner and care home Activity Coordinator to create a ... More’ cards • Help to lead a group activity What is not required: Volunteers are not required to offer personal care services for residents. Who is involved? Care Homes in Gwent, Gwynedd

  6. RB_Jan16_Age_UK_Briefing_Opposition_Day_Debate_Housing.pdf

    sheltered housing. For others, extra care housing provides a positive alternative to residential care and offers older people greater control over the delivery of care and support services. A review of the costs ... in private rented accommodation are still relatively small, they will rise over time. There is interest in whether the sector might offer an alternative to older residents downsizing from both the social

  7. 7 Care home volunteer optional phone call.pdf

    Care Home. • The format used by Age Cymru is a basis for your conversation. The Volunteer Induction will be the session to expand on details. At the end of the call thank the Volunteer, confirm that you’ll ... Registered office address Ground Floor, 1. Care Home introduction Volunteer role Training and support offered Expectations and limits to volunteering roles Availability preference Resources and activity 2. Questions

  8. Investment scams

    pressure you with a time-limited offer, e.g. offer a bonus or discount if you invest before a set date They downplay the risks to your money, e.g. they talk about how you will own the actual assets they may ... good to be true, e.g. offer much better interest rates than those offered elsewhere They call you repeatedly and keep you on the phone a long time They say they’re only making the offer available to you or

  9. Sporting Memories Partner leaflet (002).pdf

    iselder ysbryd ac unigrwydd drwy chwaraeon Sporting Memories Wales will work with communities and organisations to promote the mental and physical wellbeing of people over ... increasingly limited mobility, be living with depression and/or be socially isolated. The vast majority will be physically inactive or sedentary and do not take part in any sporting or physical activity. Bydd

  10. Age Cymru Hope Project FAQs + QPM ENGLISH.pdf

    issues or concerns to prevent them slipping into crisis. Advocates and professionals across Wales will benefit from training, workshops and events. 5. Who has responsibility for HOPE? HOPE is a partnership ... involved. We’ll continually review our processes and be as innovative as we’re able to be. Support will mainly be provided over the phone or via video call. Where appropriate, a hybrid approach based on

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