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  1. Final WASP Charter.pdf

    i gynorthwyo dioddefwyr. Working together to help better protect people in Wales from scams and fraud, and to support victims. Gall cael eich sgamio neu eich targedu gan dwyll gael effaith ddinistriol ... cyhoedd a’r cyfryngau. 1 Raising awareness and de-stigmatising scams We will • Improve public awareness of scams and fraud and increase knowledge about the steps people can take to protect themselves

  2. Financial abuse

    Financial abuse includes theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits ... being expended on the care of the adult with no apparent return Abrupt changes to or creation of wills Unpaid bills, rent and other accumulation of debt when someone is supposed to be paying the bills

  3. Phone scams

    think you have been the victim of a scam, then speak to your bank immedately and report any fraud to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040. Bank scams This is a call from someone claiming to be from your bank telling ... transferring your money to a ‘safe account’ to protect it, which can lead to loss of money. The caller will often sound professional and try to convince you that your card has been cloned or that your money

  4. RB_Oct17_Scams_party_conference_paper_nocrops.pdf

    Older people, fraud and scams Key facts 5 million targeted Almost 5 million older people (65+) believe they have been targeted by scammers.1 12% responded While only 12% of those targeted responded to ... likely to either die or go into residential care within a year.4 3.4 million frauds There were 3.4 million incidents of fraud in the year to March 2017.5 Over half of these (57%) were cyber-related. This

  5. Being scam aware.pdf

    to give their pin number or passwords in full (on the phone or via text) – their bank or the police will never ask for this information. • The person says that they’ll send someone to their home to collect ... the victim of a scam, then encourage them to speak to their bank immediately and report any fraud to Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040. You may find our ‘Avoiding scams’ guide helpful in supporting them. https://bit

  6. Ways we could work together

    advice/support to those most in need). We can collaborate on campaigns (e.g., loneliness and social isolation, fraud and scams, and later life planning campaigns). We can offer support to your frontline staff serving ... ongoing annual donation that contributes significantly to any aspect of Age Cymru, your organisation will be publicly recognised as an Age Cymru Major Partner.   Branding agreement Perhaps a targeted

  7. Postal scams

    circumstances or that they need to pay for an operation, and will ask you for money. These stories are fake. Don’t respond, even to say no, as this will encourage the fraudster to keep contacting you. Bogus job ... agencies will not charge you a registration fee. Advance fee fraud You may receive a request to help transfer money out of another country in return for a substantial reward. Often the letter will appear

  8. Response on social care practice guidance - November 2018.pdf

    Partnership (WASP) is a partnership of organisations that are committed to fight against scams and fraud. WASP was founded jointly by Age Cymru and the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales with the aim ... have collectively made to build a Wales that is more hostile to scams. Being scammed or targeted by fraud can have a devastating impact on some of the most vulnerable people in Wales. Scams target everyone

  9. Pension scams

    greater freedom in how they can access and use their pension pots. However, there are criminals who will try to take advantage of these options by tricking people into cashing in their pension and handing ... their money for them to invest. Here are some tips on how to keep your pension pot safe. Fraudsters will try different ways to persuade you to part with your pension cash - from promising opportunities that

  10. Doorstep scams

    household goods for a charity. In fact, this is a trick to steal money from you. Any items you give will be sold on. Legitimate charities must be registered with the Charity Commission and their registration ... happen to anyone of any age. Report the scam to the police and contact Action Fraud . The information you give to Action Fraud can help track down the scammer.

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