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  1. RB_Dec14_Dashboards_and_jam_jars_pension_pots_and_retirement_income.pdf

    Dashboards and jam-jars Helping consumers with small Defined Contribution pension pots make decisions about retirement income Age UK discussion paper, written by Dominic Lindley ... consultant (December 2014) Dashboards and jam-jars Helping consumers with small Defined Contribution pension pots make decisions about retirement income Age UK discussion paper, written by Dominic Lindley

  2. Buses and trains: the stuff of memories for these Port Talbot pensioners

    Buses and trains: the stuff of memories for these Port Talbot pensioners.

  3. Benefits and Entitlements

    Information and advice on all the benefits that you can claim, including pension credit, council tax reduction and carers allowance

  4. Annuities

    Annuities offer an income in later life. When you approach retirement, will you cash in your pension pot or get a lifetime annuity? Get information about the options.

  5. More money in your pocket

    Every year, it's estimated that more than £200m worth of Pension Credit and other state benefits goes unclaimed by older people in Wales. We can help make sure you're not missing out.

  6. Money & legal

    elderly people. Find information and advice on claiming benefits, income tax, money management, pensions and legal advice. Finance can be complicated, let Age Cymru help.

  7. IG03.pdf

    country) • their most recent occupation and if they’d retired • to know if they were receiving a pension or other benefits • the name, occupation and date of birth of their spouse or civil partner if they ... England and Wales). See page 38 for more information. • Leaflets about bereavement benefits for widows, widowers and surviving civil partners, if appropriate. • A death certificate, for which there will be

  8. FS56.pdf

    Factsheet 56 Benefits for people under State Pension age April 2024 About this factsheet This factsheet has information about benefits for people under State Pension age (currently 66 years). It includes information ... the Useful organisations section. Age UK factsheet April 2024 Benefits for people under State Pension age Page 2 of 28 Contents 1 Different types of benefits 4 2 Means-tested benefits 4 2.1 Universal

  9. FS21w.pdf

    Calculating Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) entitlement for people over State Pension age 30 15.1 Step 1: What is your total Council Tax bill? 31 15.2 Step 2: Make any necessary deductions ... child under the age of 18). These rules can apply to carers who are working and/or are over State Pension age; also, more than one carer can be disregarded for Council Tax purposes, as long as they meet

  10. FS19.pdf

    Page 1 of 28 Factsheet 19 State Pension April 2024 Inside this factsheet This factsheet has information about the new State Pension for people reaching State Pension age on or after 6 April 2016. It also ... also has information about the old State Pension for people who reached State Pension age before 6 April 2016. It explains how to claim your pension and what to do if you have a change of circumstance

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