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  1. How are we doing?

    Please let us know how we’re doing. We want to hear from you. Find out more about our comments, compliments and complaints procedure.

  2. Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

    Get to grips with the Employment and Support Allowance - a benefit for people who are out of work due to illness or disability. Who is eligible? How do you claim?

  3. Rebecca Phillips - Volunteer Officer

    Meet Rebecca Phillips, Age Cymru's Volunteer Officer and find out what her roles involved and how it makes a difference to older people in Wales.

  4. Neglect

    Describes what constitutes neglect

  5. Help an older person this Winter

    have an older friend or relative close to you, our guide Winter wrapped up may help them prepare for the winter season. Find out the simple things you can do to support them.

  6. Scams and fraud

    Do you know how to avoid the latest scams targeting your money and personal data? With the help of our varied guides, we'll help you spot and avoid scams.

  7. Financial abuse

    Describes what constitutes financial abuse

  8. Discriminatory abuse

    Describes what constitutes discriminatory abuse

  9. Domestic abuse

    Describes what constitutes domestic abuse

  10. Sexual abuse

    Describes what constitutes sexual abuse

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