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  1. Physical abuse

    Detail of what constitutes Physical abuse

  2. Psychological or emotional abuse

    Describes what constitutes psychological or emotional abuse

  3. This is Older Image Library tender document .pdf

    1 Tender Notice This is Older Image Library SECTION I: CONTRACTING ORGANISATION I.1) NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT(S): Contact: Victoria Lloyd, Chief Executive Address: Age Cymru, Mariners ... by guarantee Charity number: 1128436 Background to Age Cymru Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales and is the force combining Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales. The Charity

  4. RB_apr14_services-what_works_spreads.pdf

    Improving later life. Services for older people – what works. Age UK works to improve later life for the 14 million older people in the UK. We do this by addressing health inequality, reducing loneliness ... improving retirement incomes and tackling poverty and discrimination against those in later life in all its forms. We also speak for the long-term interests of every one of us, so that experiences of ageing

  5. Preserving what matters report v5.pdf

    Preserving what matters : integrating mental health into care home transitions Mental health affects us all, regardless of age or ability. Like physical health, it’s something we all manage throughout ... personal identity, language, beliefs, hobbies and interests, and even the places we inhabit. What we find meaningful is informed by our personal background, socio-economic status, life experiences, biological

  6. This is Older Image Library tender document CYMRAEG.pdf

    1 Hysbysiad o Dendr Llyfrgell Ddelweddau Dyma Beth yw Heneiddio / This is Older ADRAN I: SEFYDLIAD CONTRACTIO I.1) ENW, CYFEIRIADAU A PHWYNT(IAU) CYSWLLT: Cyswllt: Victoria Lloyd, Prif Weithredwr ... Heneiddio / This is Older, a ariennir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, yn archwilio’r ffordd y mae pobl hŷn yn cael eu cynrychioli yn y cyfryngau. Cefndir Dyma Beth yw Heneiddio / This is Older Nod y prosiect

  7. This is Older photography exhibition

    This is Older: new photography exhibition celebrates the diverse lives of older people From a punk-rocker to a mountain-sheep-farmer and wild swimmers to allotment keepers — we're delighted to launch ... Older Person. Led by Age Cymru in collaboration with acclaimed photographer Jon Pountney, the This is Older exhibition goes on show at The National Library for Wales in Aberystwyth until 10 December 2021

  8. What do you think about the response to Covid-19 in Wales - what impact did the pandemic have on you?

    What do you think about the response to Covid-19 in Wales - what impact did the pandemic have on you?

  9. RB_Dec14_What_next_for_generation_R.pdf

    What next for generation R? Provocation to AgeUK’s financial services commission Giselle Cory, Resolution Foundation Older people (here defined as 50 to 64 year olds) are seen as a lucky generation: ... onto the housing ladder in time to benefit from steep house price increases. The current older cohort is a diverse group. While some are financially resilient, many are at risk of poor standards of living

  10. What matters to you?

    Tell us what matters to you This year marks our fifth annual survey to understand the views and current experiences of people aged 50 or over across Wales. More than 5,000 people have responded to this ... survey was launched in 2020, and the information gathered has provided us with vital insight into what matters to older people, informed and influenced Welsh Government, and shaped policy and campaigning

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