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  1. Donate your Christmas party

    Why not donate the cost of your Christmas party and help us ensure we continue to be here for older people in Wales.

  2. Get involved

    involved and support Age Cymru, such as donating, volunteering, taking a challenge, or campaigning with us. Find out the ways you can get involved.

  3. Donate

    Help us to be there for millions of older people. There are many different ways that you can donate or give money to Age Cymru. Make a one-off or monthly donation now.

  4. How to adjust to living alone

    you may find yourself living alone. But with a little help, living alone is something that most of us can adapt to.

  5. Newsletter insert.pdf

    an age friendly Wales Accessing cash safely – advice for older people during Covid 19 One of the many concerns currently facing older people is being able to access cash and pay for everyday goods and services ... explains: “Many older people have become used to accessing their pension or benefits from their local post office or high street bank, enabling them to draw down cash to pay for many everyday items such as

  6. Scams and fraud

    date of birth – scammers can use this information to steal your identity. Do not allow yourself to be pressured into donating money and never make donations by cash or gift card, or send money through

  7. WASP Banking Protocol and Take 5 slides.pdf

    2017 BANKING PROTOCOL PROCESS If a customer is identified as making an unusual or out of character cash withdrawal or fund transfer request… The colleague will discreetly question the customer about their ... a son and immediately invoked the Banking Protocol saving the man £30K. THE TRUST REFLEX. IT MAKES US LOSE CONTROL. 1 Take Five to Stop Fraud • Take Five to Stop Fraud is a national campaign that offers

  8. Pension Credit

    you’re a couple. If you’re eligible, Pension Credit will not only give you a bit of extra cash, it could also help you get some other entitlements too: It’s unlikely you’ll have to ... women).  If you are unsure when you will be able to recieve your State Pension, you can check by using GOV.UK's State Pension calculator . If you’re an eligible age, you can claim Guarantee Credit

  9. Age Cymru HOPE Infographic report 2021-22 E FINAL.pdf

    poor workmanship had caused problems with the electrics. The issues had meant that Ms F was only using the ground floor of her house until the wiring could be corrected upstairs. She wanted to make a complaint ... empowered to self-advocate. Mr W wasn’t steady on his feet and found it difficult to go out. He needed cash to pay the people who did his shopping for him but couldn’t easily get to the bank. Our HOPE Independent

  10. Support for scam victims

    fraudulent transactions from your account. Report the scam to the police. Also contact Action Fraud using their online fraud reporting tool .  Contact  Victim Support  or  Think Jessica ... Look out for these warning signs: Unusual amounts of post or letters in their home Evidence of large cash withdrawals or multiple cheque payments Lack of money to pay for other things Lots of phone calls

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