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  1. Making relationships count

    homes a free training resource to support relationships with older carers and families. This guide will: Share some supportive strategies to ensure the best transition possible Share real life-giving examples ... guidelines, our office is closed. Therefore, there will be a delay in sending you the guide, but this will be sent as soon as possible. Age Cymru and Carers Trust Wales are working in partnership to develop person-centred

  2. Promo Leaflet v5.pdf

    Project Officer 07989 152529 Your feedback will help us to build a picture and understanding of the needs of older people in Wales who look after ... Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2020 Age Cymru and Carers Trust Wales are working in partnership to develop person-centred service models to identify, and better

  3. Income tax

    If your income is over a certain amount, you will have to pay Income Tax on it. Not all income is taxable, and there are allowances and reliefs you may be able to claim.  Not all income counts towards ... from lettings some benefits, such as Carer’s Allowance and Statutory Sick Pay income from a trust. You do not have to pay tax on: Pension Credit Universal Credit Attendance Allowance Disability Living

  4. Unpaid carers.pdf

    who will be able to help them and assess any social care needs they might have. For more information about the support available for unpaid carers during this time see: • Carers Wales • Carers Trust Wales

  5. Age Cymru Hope Project FAQs + QPM ENGLISH.pdf

    issues or concerns to prevent them slipping into crisis. Advocates and professionals across Wales will benefit from training, workshops and events. 5. Who has responsibility for HOPE? HOPE is a partnership ... involved. We’ll continually review our processes and be as innovative as we’re able to be. Support will mainly be provided over the phone or via video call. Where appropriate, a hybrid approach based on

  6. Staying safe online

    from one computer to another. You may be sent an email with an attachment which when you click on it will release a virus. Criminals can then use this to take control of your computer, or the virus may ... fake bank website may be set up asking you to update your account or security information. Often they will look very similar, and only a few tiny details may be different. There are also websites which are

  7. How to find a good tradesperson

    police. You can find a trusted tradesperson by: asking family and friends for personal recommendations. This is often the easiest and safest way to find a tradesperson who will give a quality service. ... the greatest detail possible. Things to consider include: the materials the tradesperson will use and what you will supply, whether subcontractors such as plumbers are included in the cost, and cleaning

  8. Age Cymru Dementia Advocacy Project Brochure - FINAL ENGLISH.pdf

    living with dementia have the chance to be heard in all aspects of their lives. The advocacy we deliver will enable people to: • Make changes and take control of their life • Feel more valued and included in ... taking a whole person approach means our skilled dementia advocates can build a relationship based on trust and confidence, that raises the voice of people we work with. Planning for the future Being involved

  9. Paying for goods.pdf

    services The person you’re supporting will need to consider how to access their cash or to pay for goods and services whilst they’re isolating at home. Many people will be anxious about how to access funds ... services that you can let the person you’re supporting know about: • A number of local shops and services will allow payment over the phone before pick up. • Money transfers are an easy way to transfer money from

  10. FAW Briefing - 2021 - English.pdf

    May 2019. There have also been decreases in the number of GP appointments. • The Welsh Ambulance Trust have seen significant reductions in frequent faller episodes over the most intense ‘lockdown’ periods ... getting help, the leaflet emphasises key risks and provides contact numbers for them to seek help. We will be using social media all week to promote the message that falls are not an inevitable part of growing

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