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  1. One network, one timetable, one ticket - June 2022.pdf

    Comments: In order to encourage people to use public transport in efforts to respond to the climate emergency, reliable, accessible and sustainable public transport services need to be available, with good connections ... different forms of transport. Key issues relating to public transport raised in Age Cymru’s Community Calculator survey1 (pre-pandemic) were problems with physical accessibility to public transport, cuts to bus

  2. Random acts of kindness

    receive and contagious Make me laugh Help me into my wheelchair Giving up your seat on busy public transport for older people Greet your neighbour with a smile A small gift of garden flowers / veg / homemade

  3. RB_Dec17_Painful_Journeys_InDepth_Report.pdf

    older people travel to their hospital appointments. This report outlines how poor and inadequate transport options impact on older people travelling to hospital for non-emergency medical treatment. We also ... Newcastle and Falmouth1, which particularly highlighted the differences between rural and urban transport. — Data from a nationally representative survey conducted by TNS for Age UK among over 1300 people

  4. NHS GMS contracts - Age Cymru consultation response April 2023.pdf

    systems, poor communication on changes in where various health services are available, lack of public transport to get to health appointments and delays and halting of ongoing health checks through the pandemic

  5. Insights_Report-Community_Energy_Programme_Evaluation_Findings.pdf

    comprehensive energyrelated support service. Energy Advisers need to have the gift of the gab and have the transport to most efficiently visit older people at home. Providing them with knowledge of other signs to

  6. Clare Lucas.pdf

    deprivation of liberty oCan be in any setting & multiple settings oCan include means & manner of transport • Cannot be used to authorise restricted contact with friends/family or the delivery of care or

  7. 2019 amendments to Winter Wrapped Up guide – English.pdf

    such as social distancing and the wearing of face coverings in indoor public places, or on public transport. Again, check the Welsh Government website for current advice. • Page 7: this section contains

  8. Accessibility Action Plan - November 2017.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Accessibility Action Plan consultation Department for Transport November 2017 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people ... importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Department for Transport’s Accessibility Action Plan Consultation. Accessible transport is a crucial factor in determining older people’s ability to access

  9. 20210907 Climate Change Environment Infrastructure Cttee - Age Cymru response (005).pdf

    below some proposed focus areas for the Committee. Transport We believe that one of the Committee’s priorities should be to focus on public transport as we’ve come out of lockdown. During March and April ... availability of public transport, which had been an issue before the pandemic (see below), and some people had concerns regarding the safety of using public transport systems: ‘Public transport is my biggest

  10. Age-related TV licence policy - February 2019.pdf

    and rescue services and promotion of fire safety; food; health and health services; highways and transport; housing; local government; public administration; social welfare; sport and recreation; tourism;

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