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  1. CRS_Nov17_DfT_accessibility_action_plan.pdf

    have only responded to questions where we have evidence or where we support a suggested action.) KEY POINTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - The Government should review transport services to ensure every older ... proposed increase in accessible toilets at stations there must be stronger obligations to maintain them in working order at all times. - The lack of accessible toilets on trains is a strong disincentive

  2. RB_Feb17_Age_Friendly_business.pdf

    improve. We quote them throughout this paper but have changed all names. This report highlights the key difficulties many people in later life face, positive experiences and tips for businesses to better ... age-friendly businesses Here are our ‘TOP TIPS’ for age-friendly businesses: Toilets and seats Provide appropriate toilets and seating, essential facilities that give some people the confidence to go

  3. CRS_March17_Age UK_Bus_Services_Bill.pdf

    matter to older people 1. Age UK believes that wherever they live older people should be able to reach key services, friends and family at reasonable cost, in reasonable time and with reasonable ease and that ... is ‘very difficult’ for them to travel to see their GP, less than 30% are in good health. Key points in the Bill 6. Accessibility of services – Clause 17 and New Clause 3 6.2 Age UK believes there

  4. Consultative Forum

    Forum plays a key role at Age Cymru and helps ensure that the voices of older people are heard at all levels of our organisation. The Consultative Forum provides guidance in relation to the key activities

  5. Loneliness policy statement - May 2017.pdf

    separate public policy statements on the built environment (which includes the provision of public toilets), community services and inclusion’ and public transport. Summary Loneliness and isolation are ... able to safely get about and take part in community life. For some older people, public seating and toilet provision can be the difference between living a full life and feeling cut-off and isolated. It is

  6. Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections.pdf

    Seamless health and social care The disconnect between health and social care systems remains a key concern for older people. Whilst funding is predominantly centred upon the health service, quality ... because they lack the appropriate social care support that would allow them to return home, are a key issue. We know that long unnecessary stays in hospital have a negative impact on older people, which

  7. Become an Independent Volunteer Advocate

    to provide independent advocacy support to local older people and carers so they can help shape the key decisions affecting their lives and avoid getting into a crisis situation. The HOPE project is funded

  8. 20190829 Draft Development Plans Manual (Edition 3) - Age Cymru response.pdf

    reflects their needs. We believe that planning for, and responding to, demographic change should be a key consideration in the preparation of development plans, and that planning decisions should take into ... accessible by public and community transport, and adequate public seating, street lighting and public toilets in our communities all help to facilitate this. An age friendly community is one that has the capacity

  9. Draft Planning Policy Wales - May 2018.pdf

    reflects their needs. We believe that planning for, and responding to, demographic change should be a key consideration in planning policy, and that planning decisions should take into account how they will ... accessible by public and community transport, and adequate public seating, street lighting and public toilets in our communities all help to facilitate this. An age friendly community is one that has the capacity

  10. Strategy for an Ageing Society - March 2021.pdf

    the promotion and protection of the rights of older people should be a priority in the Strategy. A key priority is to determine how to embed awareness of a rights based approach. Older people need to know ... policy and services within their communities. Question 3: Have we identified the key policies and mechanisms that can deliver real change in the lives of older people today and future

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