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  1. Help with the cost of living

    There are also some benefits specifically to help with bills in the winter, such as the Winter Fuel Payment and Warm Home Discount . You can contact Age Cymru Advice for further information. Call  0300 ... 30 September 2024 , for 'typical' dual-fuel households paying by direct debit, Ofgem has set the annual price cap level at £1,568  (this is a reduction from the previous cap in place between

  2. Buy products

    offices around the Country. This means that it will no longer be possible for anyone to purchase or renew insurance from Age Cymru Enterprises. Please be assured that this change affects only our financial

  3. General Election 2024

    entitlements Ensure benefits are sufficient to cover essential costs for all groups and are increased annually at least in line with rising prices Make no further rises in State Pension Age unless life expectancy ... back-to-work support for older jobseekers Change the rules so the UK State Pension is increased annually in all countries – currently around twofifths of the 1.1 million pensioners living abroad

  4. Wales Against Scams Partnership

    sophisticated kinds of scams, many of which take place online. Around 15,000 cases of fraud are reported annually in Wales – representing only one seventh of the estimated number of actual cases committed ... You can visit the Action Fraud website  or call on 0300 123 20 40. If you have already made a payment in response to a scam, contact your bank straightaway . They may be able to recover some of your

  5. IG44.pdf

    Contents. What this guide is about. Thinking about your driving 6. Staying safe behind the wheel. Renewing your licence at 70 8. Declaring medical conditions 10. Driving safely 14. Assessment and staying ... to driving, including some of the medical conditions you must declare. It explains how and when to renew your licence, and outlines ways you can keep driving safely for longer. It also highlights things

  6. Age Cymru

    and support. Get information Get Involved The new state pension The new State Pension is a regular payment from Government that most people can claim in later life.

  7. Rights at work

    considered an employee when you: work under a contract of employment, which agrees terms such as pay, annual leave, and working hours. have to carry out this work personally and obey the employer’s lawful instructions ... have worked for the agency. Find out more on the website There is no upper age limit for payment of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). Once you have been ill for more than four days, you are entitled

  8. FS34.pdf

    Independence Payment (PIP) - see factsheet 87, Personal Independence Payment and Disability Living Allowance, for more information. In Scotland, PIP is being replaced by the Adult Disability Payment (ADP). ... information in this factsheet is correct for the period May 2024 to April 2025. Benefit rates are reviewed annually and take effect in April but rules and figures can sometimes change during the year. The information

  9. Paying for goods.pdf

    leave it in the bottom of the shopping bag. They can then check this against the amount requested in payment. • Encourage the person you’re supporting to give their post office or bank a call to discuss which ... and services will allow payment over the phone before pick up. • Money transfers are an easy way to transfer money from one person’s account to another person’s account for payment. This can be arranged

  10. Survey March 2024 WELSH v3.docx

    Bethsyddynbwysigichi? Profiadaucyfredolpobldros 50 oedyngNghymruDyma’r pedweryddarolwgblynyddol a gynhaliwyders 2020 gan Age Cymrua’rsefydliadauallweddolsy’ncynrychiolipoblhŷnyngNghymru.Mae’n bwysigbodLlywodraethCymruaceraillynclywedganboblhŷn am eichprofiadaua’rhynsy’nbwysigi chi.Bydd yrarolwghwnyncymryd15munudi’wgwblhau.Mae eichymatebynddi-enwondoshoffech chi inigysylltu â chi ynglŷnâ’

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