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  1. WWU - English.pdf

    1 Winter wrapped up Contents What this guide is about 2 Preparing for winter 3 Staying safe and healthy 6 Keeping warm indoors and out 12 Keeping your home warm 14 What extra money could I be eligible ... a little preparation, and by following some simple suggestions, we can help ourselves to stay healthy, safe and as comfortable as possible this winter. 2 Winter wrapped up what next? What this guide

  2. What we do

    information you need in our factsheets and information guides We deliver wellbeing programmes Through our healthy ageing programme, we provide information to help you make informed choices about your health and ... - one of Europe’s fastest growing forms of physical activity and is a great way of staying healthy. Tai Chi - found to improve health and wellbeing and a discipline that involves the mind, breath

  3. Summer Leaflet v4.pdf

    not a big drinker – use a smaller drinking glass but don’t forget to drink up and top up. Eat cool foods • Eat as normal. Even if you’re not particularly hungry. • Fruit and vegetables contain a lot of ... rehydrating and eating healthily. • Frozen fruit and veg are often a cheaper option and stay fresh, so there’s less waste. • Store fresh fruit and veg correctly in the fridge and wash before eating. • Avoid leaving

  4. Winter 2022 Newsletter web.pdf

    It’s important not to block air vents and even in winter we should open our windows for fresh, healthy air. Instead of using candles try battery powered LED touch and sensor activated lights which last ... us a call. 4 The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Winter Warmth edition 2022 Eating the right foods to keep healthy during winter Food, especially carbohydrates, is fuel for the body which we need

  5. ID204744 Jingle Bakes_quiz.pdf

    sing about in the Christmas classic, Polar Express? 4. In which country is it now traditional to eat KFC for a Christmas dinner? 5. What type of pudding is asked for in the popular Christmas carol,

  6. Age Cymru Emotional health and wellbeing leaflet.pdf

    through increasing your confidence and meeting new people. 6 98 Diet Try to eat regularly and a balanced diet. This means eating a variety of foods from all the five food groups: fruit and vegetables; carbohydrates ... for example, low levels of omega-3 oils have been linked to depression. For more information on healthy eating: visit the NHS Choices website or the Mind ‘Food and Mood’ guide www.mind

  7. Age Cymru response to Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Condiitons in Adults consultation response July 2021.pdf

    relevant to their expected diagnosis, as well as groups that can assist with pain management, healthy eating and overcoming addictions. Signposting should not be just via online means as many older people ... access to the internet that include contact details for befriending services. Information on healthy eating, weight loss and smoking cessation should be offered at the same time. One action in the framework

  8. Eatwell_guide_colour.pdf

    sustainable food. It shows how much of what you eat overall should come from each food group. Eatwell Guide 2000kcal 2500kcal = ALL FOOD + ALL DRINKSPer day Eat less often and in small amounts Ch oo se

  9. Health interventions and preventative services policy statement - May 2018.pdf

    informed choices about maintaining and improving their health and independence. Opportunities for healthy living should be increased and barriers removed, particularly for disadvantaged older people. Public ... activities to enable them to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Local Health Boards must ensure that healthcare professionals, particularly GPs, give advice on healthy ageing, including sexual health, and refer

  10. Helping older people understand what support is available to carers

    as a carer you should consider: are you getting enough sleep; can you get out and about; are you eating well; is your physical and mental health deteriorating; can you cope with other family commitments;

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