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  1. For The Moment - summary of findings from older carers

    Launched on Carers Rights Week 2021 , our Hidden Carers survey sought the views and input from older unpaid carers across Wales who were not in receipt of formal support.

  2. Helping older people understand what support is available to carers

    Helping older people understand what support is available to carers

  3. Falls Prevention Guide - for Carers FINAL.pdf

    Care & Repair Cymru A Top Tips Falls Guide for Carers It is often family or informal carers that will come across older or vulnerable people at risk of a fall or having already fallen. Their assistance ... you know? • • Older fallers are amongst the top three reasons why an ambulance is called. • • If you’ve fallen once, you are 50% more likely to fall again, with an escalating risk of injury. • •

  4. Age Cymru Carers report draft01 CYMRAEG (1).pdf

    Age Cymru Facebook @Age Cymru Twitter @agecymru Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Cymru Twitter @carerstrustwal Mae Age Cymru yn elusen gofrestredig 1128436. Cwmni cyfyngedig

  5. Falls Prevention Guide - for Carers-Welsh FINAL.pdf

    Care & Repair Cymru Canllawiau i Ofalwyr ar Gwympiadau Yn aml eu perthnasau neu ofalwyr anffurfiol fydd yn canfod pobl hŷn neubobl fregus sydd mewn risg o gwympo neu sydd eisoes wedi cwympo. Bydd eu cymorth i drin sefyllfaoedd neu atal cwympiad yn hollbwysig. Wyddech chi? • • Bod pobl hŷn sydd wedi cwympo ymhlith y tri phrif reswm pam y gelwir ambiwlans. • • Os ydych wedi cwympo

  6. Rights at work

    Information about your rights in the workplace, including statutory employment rights, working time hours, holidays and sick pay.

  7. If they develop coronavirus symptoms.pdf

    East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©2020 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales If they develop coronavirus symptoms If the person you’re supporting develops coronavirus symptoms you can let them know ... – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual). • a loss of, or change in, your normal sense

  8. If you develop coronavirus symptons.pdf

    Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©2020 Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales If you develop coronavirus symptoms • You should only support someone if you’re feeling well and don’t have any symptoms of coronavirus (a ... able to support them for at least two weeks. • Contact the other ‘Friend’ that supports that person. If you’re concerned about your symptoms, follow information on NHS 111 (formerly NHS Direct Wales) https://111

  9. If you develop coronavirus symptons.pdf

    Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©202l Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales If you develop coronavirus symptoms • You should only support someone if you’re feeling well and don’t have any symptoms of coronavirus (a ... able to support them for at least lk"71. • Contact the other ‘Friend’ that supports that person. If you’re concerned about your symptoms, follow information on NHS 111 *#1(formerly NHS Direct Wales)

  10. If you’re concerned about someone.pdf

    friendly Wales If you’re concerned about someone If you have a non-emergency concern for someone aged 50 or over you’re supporting you can contact Age Cymru Advice for support on 08000 223 444 If the person ... 03444 77 20 20 If you’re worried about someone’s physical health contact the NHS: • Online: (for help and advice) • Phone: 111 (if symptoms get worse) • Phone: 999 (if someone’s life

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