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  1. Save on water bills

    includes Attendance Allowance (AA), Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Personal Independence Payment (PIP). If you get water from Hafren Dyfrdwy, DLA and PIP are listed as qualifying benefits, but not

  2. Annuities

    start by checking what your pension provider is offering, because they may still offer a higher payment rate than those available elsewhere. Contact Money Helper  for free information and guidance

  3. Managing your money in Winter

    or other schemes that can help with your energy bills this winter Winter Fuel Payment - this is an annual one-off payment to all eligible pensioner households to help with fuel costs. There are no income ... Pension, or certain other benefits – or if you received a payment last winter – you shouldn't need to claim. Cold Weather Payment - if it's very cold where you live (at or below 0 degrees) for

  4. Grant application information and guidance - Small grant programme to combat isolation and loneliness of older military veterans in Wales.pdf

    awarded funding If you application leads to an award of funding, we will notify you of the amount and payment schedule by Friday 30 October 2020. We will also provide you with a grant agreement that will need ... returned to us within two weeks. Following receipt of your signed acknowledgement, we will process the payment of your grant. Please note that if no monitoring information is received, or it demonstrates that

  5. RB_Oct17_Scams_party_conference_paper_nocrops.pdf

    helping consumers avoid scams. They can educate and warn customers; spot and challenge suspicious payments and patterns (e.g. cheque usage); deny scammers access to a bank account; and support customers ... customer, they are not liable for scams where the fraudster has manipulated someone into authorising a payment. ‘So I rang my bank last week [about a possible phone scam] and they said “Well, I don’t know anything

  6. 2019 amendments to Winter Wrapped Up guide – English.pdf

    Page 16: In 2020-21, most people born on or before 5 October 1954 are entitled to the Winter Fuel Payment. • Page 17, 18, 19 & 24: The Speakeasy Energy Advice service is no longer available. • Page 18:

  7. Support for Mortgage Interest

    also known as Help with Housing Costs. SMI is a loan to help with the interest on your mortgage payments or other eligible home improvement loans. You'll get help paying interest on up to £200,000 of your ... if you receive Pension Credit). Interest is calculated at a rate of 1.7%. In most cases, the SMI payment is made directly to your lender. You may be eligible for SMI if you receive one of the following

  8. Project 360 grant programme application and delivery guidelines.pdf

    Allocation meeting Early April Grant announcement Mid April Receipt of signed grant agreements Mid April Payments made Start of May Delivery commences 3. Funding Available Grants will be awarded up to £ 15,500 ... funding If your application leads to an award of funding, we will notify you of the amount and payment schedule in early April 2019. We will also provide you with a grant agreement that will need to

  9. Remarrying in later life

    affected, the amount you receive may go up or down, you may no longer be entitled to receive the payment, or you may be newly entitled to benefits. Any changes will depend on your individual circumstances

  10. Winter celebration grant application form 2018.docx

    pplicants are required to acknowledge receipt of the grant and the conditions attached to it before payment can be released. All successful applicants are required to submit a report on the project and expenditure ... 2018Grant a ward allocation andapplicants informed of outcome in writing w/c 26 November 2018Grant payments madew/c 17 December 2018Project activities take place November 201 8 to 28February 2019

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