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  1. 8 Care home volunteer personal details.pdf

    Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2023 GDPR Statement: (as required by care home)

  2. 15 Care home volunteer induction checklist.pdf

    Volunteering Induction Checklist Volunteer name………………………………………………………………………………………. Date started…………………………………………………………………………………………… Induction steps Responsibility Method: Documentation or onsite Volunteer trainer signature Date and time completed About the organisation • What kind of work is done and why • Team structure and management • Importance of volunteers The volunteer role •

  3. 16 Volunteer policy_care home exemplar.pdf

    [name of Care Home] Internal Document Details Document Number: Version: DRAFT Approval Date: TBD Date of Review: TBD Accountability: Volunteers and Staff Owner: [name of CEO/Head of Care Home] (CEO) ... Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2023 Introduction [add introduction about Care Home] Volunteers offer a valuable resource by giving their time and dedication without pay. It’s important

  4. 10 care-home-volunteer-induction.pptx

  5. Care Home Visiting profile - English.pdf

    an exciting role that has been designed to help care homes welcome visitors in line with Covid-19 rules. After a year in which visiting care homes has been significantly restricted because of Covid-19 ... opportunity will play a key role in supporting care homes as they welcome visitors and help facilitate residents' wellbeing. You could be: • Supporting the Care Home with arrangements to facilitate visiting • Welcoming

  6. Care Home Visiting profile -English.pdf

    exciting new role that has been designed to help care homes welcome visitors in line with Covid-19 rules. After a year in which visiting care homes has been significantly restricted because of Covid-19 ... volunteering opportunity will play a key role in supporting care homes with visiting as they seek to welcome visitors. You could be: • Supporting the care home with arrangements to facilitate visits • Welcoming visitors

  7. Care Home Visiting profile - Welsh.pdf

    1 Gwirfoddolwr Cefnogi Ymwelwyr Cartrefi Gofal Age Cymru Mae hon yn rôl gyffrous, newydd sydd wedi'i datblygu i helpu cartrefi gofal i groesawu ymwelwyr yn unol â rheolau Covid-19. Ar ôl blwyddyn o gyfyngiadau mawrion o ran ymweld â chartrefi gofal oherwydd cyfyngiadau Covid-19, gwyddom fod cyfeillion a / neu deulu yn awyddus i allu dychwelyd i ymweld â'u hanwyliaid. Bydd y swydd wirfoddol hon

  8. 5 FAQ for Care home volunteers.pdf

    FAQ for Care Home Volunteers 1. Do I need to have had both Covid-19 Vaccinations? Check with the care home for their policy on vaccination requirement. 2. Will I need to take a Covid test and wear ... care home manager will advise you on their current regulations for Covid testing and PPE. You must let the care home manager know if you have symptoms of Covid infection. Do not attend the care home if you

  9. 18 Care home volunteer hours log .pdf

    House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2023 Care Home Volunteer Volunteer Name: Date Care Home Time in Time Out Notes --------

  10. FAQ - care home volunteer project.pdf

    FAQ’S for Care Home Volunteers 1.Do I need to have had both Covid-19 Vaccinations? We ask that you inform us of what vaccine(s) you have had and when. You can do this on your application form. 2 ... will need to take a Covid test before you enter the care home. The care home manager will arrange for your test and PPE. You must let the care home know if you’ve any symptoms of Covid or if you’ve come

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