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  1. CRS_March17_Ofgem_consultation_on_supplier_Standards_of_Conduct.pdf

    Discount. 10. In the context of a fast-changing market and technological innovation, suppliers should be guided by a ‘no-one left behind’ principle. This should entail helping older and vulnerable customers get ... echo Ofgem’s desire that vulnerable customers are not left behind. In broad terms, this should be a guiding principle, in future. Number v quality of suppliers The number of suppliers has grown in recent

  2. FS69.pdf

    to find out whether there is a local Age UK near you, and to order free copies of our information guides and factsheets. Age UK Advice 0800 169 65 65 Lines are open seven days a week from ... 0800 124 4222 Support our work We rely on donations from our supporters to provide our guides and factsheets for free. If you would like to help us continue to provide vital services, support

  3. Welsh Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020_.pdf

    pob ffordd bosibl i barhau i eirioli. Yn cynnwys, cynnal sesiynau skype â chartrefi gofal, defnyddio Zoom gyda phobl sydd â mynediad ato, gofyn am gopïau o gofnodion i'w hasesu o bell a defnyddio disgresiwn

  4. RB_June14_CPA_Outcomes_prevention_monitoring.pdf

    causal relations. Kelly J G (2013) A Guide to Conducting Prevention Research in the Community: First Steps, Routledge - first published 1988 by The Haworth Press A first guide to prevention research focusing ... – a scoping review, The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 27 (1) : 65-91 Kelly J G (2013) A Guide to Conducting Prevention Research in the Community: First Steps, Routledge - first published 1988

  5. FS35.pdf

    a rental occupation contract, you may also wish to view some of our other housing factsheets and guides at: Alternatively, you can contact Age Cymru Advice for ... rent to set for your home (or how much to increase it by). In other words, they are likely to be guided by the ‘market rent’. A fixed term standard contract lasts for a specific time period (though you

  6. RB_Aug13_Later_Life_in_Rural_England.pdf

    wheelchair up to get the guided bus, which is at least a mile away. In bad weather, it’s very difficult. Often when we do go out, it’s to attend local Parkinson’s meetings, but the guided bus doesn’t go anywhere ... ‘Statistical digest of rural England 2013’, April 2013 41. CrC, ‘rural money matters: A support guide to rural financial inclusion’, 2009 42. Ibid. 43. Ibid. 44. defra, ‘Quarterly rural Economic Bulletin

  7. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Older_homeless_people.pdf

    60B (3 - May) : S152-S159 Crane M, Warnes A M and Farlow C; Help the Aged (1997) Coming home: a guide to good practice by projects helping older homeless people, London: Help the Aged : 20 information

  8. fit for the future project - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    information produced by Age UK, such as the Healthy Eating Guide, Save Energy, Pay Less Guide, Home Safety Checker Guide, and Winter Wrapped Up Guide. The support / action plans devised for the participant ... indicate that this kind of signposting took place after the needs assessment, and thus only the relevant guides were given to the participants. Referrals to other services: participant older people are also

  9. forum resource manual v4.pdf

    below. 3. A copy of the policy will be handed out to each member as they join. The treasurer will guide members on how to make a claim. 4. All costs incurred during the course of forum business must be ... this issue? • Will anyone else do anything if your forum doesn’t? Adapted from The CPRE Campaigners’ Guide, 2002 If your forum is able to answer these questions satisfactorily, then there is probably a basis

  10. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    arall, os oes gennych gyfrifiadur neu ffôn clyfar, gallwch ddefnyddio rhaglenni galwadau fideo, fel Zoom neu Skype. Os ydych chi’n teimlo’n unig, cysylltwch â’ch Age Cymru lleol i weld a ydynt yn cynnig

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