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  1. RB_Oct12_UC_and_couples_if_one_over_PC_age_Briefing.pdf

    less a week under Universal Credit compared to the current system of Pension Credit if neither is in work. The older partner could be financially better off living alone and claiming Pension Credit.  Under ... on their retirement savings to support a younger partner who is unable to work.  Carers and people with limited capacity to work who have an older partner will receive additional elements in Universal

  2. About the project

    estimated that 96% of all care provided in our communities is provided by unpaid carers , with the work they do saving our NHS and other statutory services more than  £8 billion a year . Out

  3. Policy Publications

    Age Cymru's Policy and Public Affairs team has produced a range of publications about the issues affecting older people in Wales.

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    Watch our TV ad to see how we're creating an age friendly Wales.

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  6. Domestic abuse

    Describes what constitutes domestic abuse

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    Sign-up to receive our monthly e-newsletter called The loop for more information about Age Cymru.

  8. IG07.pdf

    hospital as there isn’t always a safe place to store them. 11 Practical considerations. As well as packing for your stay, there are some practical things to think about before going into hospital. Some may ... Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP), you should notify the Department for Work and Pensions (page 41) when you go into hospital. These benefits are suspended after 28 days in hospital

  9. Employment and Contribution policy statement (September 2016).pdf

    people bring as employees and contributors to wider society and to the economy. More people are working for longer than ever before. For some this is through choice while, for others, a combination of ... that continuing to work is a financial imperative. The increase in employment rates among older workers over the past few years is welcome but does not tell the full story of working life for the over 50s

  10. FS56.pdf

    migration’ 7 2.2.3 Managed migration 7 2.2.4 How to claim 8 2.2.5 Conditionality and sanctions 9 2.2.6 Work Capability Assessment 9 2.3 Income-related Employment and Support Allowance 10 2.4 Income Support ... Welfare Provision 19 6 Back to work benefits 20 7 Where to apply for benefits 20 8 Challenging a decision 20 9 DWP Guidance 21 Useful organisations 23 Age UK 27 Support our work 27 Glossary ADP – Adult Disability

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