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  1. FS46w.pdf

    additional amount for a claimant who receives any of the following benefits and lives alone (or is classed as living alone for the purposes of the PC means test): Attendance Allowance (AA); the middle or

  2. RB_March14_Living_with_frailty.pdf

    and get ready for the day, which takes her a long time. When she worked, she used to do exercise classes at lunch times, and being used to regular exercise, she likes to still keep some kind of routine

  3. CSR_Sept12_Human_Rights_Policy.pdf

    of £1.2m. Leigh Day (solicitors in the Stafford case) is also acting for 23 families in taking a class action against Alexandra Hospital Redditch on grounds of breaches of Articles 2, 3 and 8. They are

  4. FS1w.pdf

    your annual household income is less than £31,000, or you have someone in your household who is classed as vulnerable. You can qualify whether you’re a homeowner or rent your home from a private landlord

  5. FS10w - June 2020.pdf

    additional amount for a claimant who receives any of the following benefits and lives alone (or is classed as living alone for the purposes of the PC means test): Attendance Allowance (AA); the middle or

  6. RB_Sep13_supporting_older_carers.pdf

    was also seen. In one case an older carer of three family members was referred to a seated exercise class to address some health needs and provide time away from her caregiving responsibilities. The pilot

  7. FS10w.pdf

    additional amount for a claimant who receives any of the following benefits and lives alone (or is classed as living alone for the purposes of the PC means test): Attendance Allowance (AA); the middle or

  8. RB_apr14_services-what_works_spreads.pdf

    services and their own home (and even prison), and addressing issues of gender, sexuality, culture, class, ethnicity and belief5. Here lies the route to sustainable services for older people that they will

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